Russian Blue Mix Photos

Category Cats
Cats mixed with this breed can have silvery blue/gray coat and be an intelligent, playful companion. This page contains Russian blue mixed breed photos.


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March 2, 2010

Gypsy is 10 months old. I think he is part Russian Blue and Maine Coon. I got him last summer from the local SPCA. He likes to lay close to daddy, play with his toys and his big sister Angel, a deaf blue healer mix (they are best buddies).

By Clint from Tulsa, OK

Grey cat lying upside down.

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Chloe was just 3 months when this pic was taken. She is a mix of long-hair and Russian-blue. My neighbor's cats had 6 kittens and I just fell in love with the Chloe. She likes to tease my little dog Radar. She'll sit on the coffee table and try to catch Radar's tail as she runs around it.

I have three pets: Toby (a Shih Tzu), Radar (a cross between a toy chi and a toy Dachshund). She has the colouring of a Rottweiler and sometimes I think she thinks she is one. Then there is Chloe. They are great companions and they all like to go for a ride in my car.


By Mae Bartlett

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Graycie is an 8 year old Russian Blue (somewhat). We adopted Graycie from PetSmart in 2006. She climbs on anything, the higher the better and loves to sleep on our feet during the night. She also likes to sleep on the copy machine. I guess you could call her "copy-cat". We didn't think we wanted a cat at the time, but don't know what we would do without her now.

By Joan from Chesterfield, MI

Graycie on top of copy machine.

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June 18, 2015

I have always had her. She likes to sleep, chill out in the sun, and try to destroy my iPad.

profile of black cat

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July 19, 2006

Isis is our 2 year old Tabby, Blue Russian. I work at a daycare and we have a cat there. She had kittens which I helped deliver.

Isis the Cat

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June 30, 2005

My son Char's cat, Pixie, doing one of the things she does best: resting on a basket of clothes. She is 9 years old, but a small mixed Russian blue that we got from the local animal shelter.


One of her favorite things to do is chase shadows on the wall!

cat in clothes basket

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Photos Pets CatsJune 28, 2015
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