To save money with credit cards, shop around for rewards credit cards with no fees. Trust me, they want your business; if you look around you'll find cards with no fees. Interest rates may be higher, but be smart: pay off everything in full every month and don't pay those ridiculously high interest fees. The most expensive things you'll buy (if you don't pay off the balance each month) are far more costly than your original bill. Bear in mind, credit card companies rely on you not being able to make full payments. That's how they earn their money.
Keep the habit of paying off the total bill each month and you'll not only earn rewards but also improve your credit rating.
Don't spend more than you can afford!
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This is sound advice. The interest rate doesn't matter as long as you always pay in full monthly.
Great advice - paying off your credit-card bill ("Dread-it" card bill!) every month helps keep your credit rating good, and at our house it improves our sleep!
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