I had a bunch of those baby wipes left over from who knows when. They were still moist and unopened. I ran out of those cleaning wipes that clean just about any surface in your kitchen or bathroom, but there was still lots of the liquid in the container when the wipes were finished. You guessed it!
I loaded the container with those baby wipes and had a good new supply of wipes which I use daily! It cost me pennies, because I had purchased the wipes at a 99cent store. When I finished with the wipes, I washed and dried the container to store my paint brushes and things in! Clean, cheap and organized, all in one! Just call me Frugal Felicia
By Felicia from Apache Junction
Great idea, Felicia! Waste not want not, I always say! Also, if you ever have any baby wipes that are all dried out, don't pitch them....just moisten with water and they are still good to use to wipe a dirty face or hands or wipe out the sink or some such thing. Also when I use those cleaning wipes, I get more use out of them by rinsing them off a little and then just use some more. They sometimes get kinda yucky right off the bat but there is still cleaning product left on them....so I just rinse and reuse....then finally pitch!
Cleaning wipes are a popular product to use for quick clean ups and disinfecting jobs. You can buy them, but they can be pricy, or make your own suitable for various jobs.