
Saving Money on Soda Pop

May 2, 2008

Whether you call it soda, pop, tonic or coke, we spend a lot of money on this sparkling beverage. Here are some tips for saving money on soda pop as recommended by our ThriftyFun community.

Buy On Sale and Save The Points

We only buy soda when on sale. Since we drink Coke products, we save the "points" and use them for things we'd normally pay money for, like magazine subscriptions.

By Shelli

Refill Bottles With Generic

I buy a 6 pack of 20 oz. bottles ON SALE ONLY. Once those are gone, I wash and refill them with generic 2 liters from Wal-mart. Then I put them back in the fridge like new. My husband, a macho, Pepsi only drinker, barely notices a difference. (When we have company I make sure that all of our "refills" are in a crisper drawer so they do get the new sodas.)


Make Your Own Lemonade/Limeade

Make lemonade or limeade using bottles of concentrate, add sweetener (or sugar) and add water then fill old plastic bottles. Very satisfying taste.

Cheaper and better for you.

By Syd

Make Your Own Soda Pop

You can buy old fashioned coke syrup, generic club soda, and make your own.

By Vickie Kibellus


Stock Up When Your Brand Goes On Sale

If you're "brand loyal" and don't want to give that up, stock up when "your" brand is on sale. The store I work at generally has Pepsi products on sale one week, and Coke products the next. Or if the brand is not that important, buy only what is on sale.

By Jana

Benefits To Not Buying Soda

We rarely buy it, so I guess we save a lot on it! Since I stopped buying it, we sleep better, I have lost weight and I don't worry about the kids having too much of it.

By mom-from-missouri

Serve Kids Seltzer Instead

I gave up buying soda pop when my daughter was a child. I would mix various flavors of frozen juice with seltzer, some sliced oranges or berries for garnish and serve that at her parties. The kids loved them because it made them feel so grown up and their parents were happy not to have to deal with all the sugar rush. I do the same for my granddaughters now and their friends love them, too. We haven't had soda pop in the house for many years.

Use Sugar Free Drink Mixes Instead

Use the flavored sugar free drink mixes you add to water. Walmart and Target sell their own brand of them. Also anything you can do to cut back on pop consumption besides being good for your wallet will also benefit your teeth. In addition to saving your tooth enamel, I was told by someone undergoing dialysis that pop pulls the phosphorous out of your bones, so that is another thing to consider healthwise. Remember, it will benefit you long term.

By Kim

Do you have any tips for saving money on soda pop? Feel free to post them below.

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 109 Feedbacks
August 19, 2011

Shop around for a generic everyone likes. We discovered the Food City brand Dr. Wow in our area tasted just like Dr. Pepper (just a bit more carbonated).


Dr. Pepper sells at $4.29 for a 12 pack of cans while the Dr. Wow sells for $4.89 for a 24 can pack.


February 11, 2008

My husband drinks a lot of coke but most of the time he leaves about a cup full. I use to throw it away but now I put it in a small container with a lid and put it in the freezer. I use this frozen coke instead of ice.

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