
Saving Money on a Bicycle?

March 20, 2009

Tips and advice for saving money on a bicycle as suggested by the ThriftyFun community.

Watch For Police Auctions

Once a year in my town the police dept sells off all the bicycles that are turned into the police department at a very low price. So I would visit the local police dept to see if they have an auction or how they dispose of bikes turned in to them.

By Harry

Check Thrift Stores

Check out thrift stores. People are always dropping off used tricycles and bikes of all sizes, at very low prices.

By Julie

Invest in a Bike Helmet

Don't try to save money by not getting a bike helmet. Head injuries can be very serious, even deadly. Make sure that you get a good fitting helmet for each person in your household for use with bikes, scooters, skateboards, even heelys. Start the kids wearing them young and they will be more likely to wear them when it isn't "cool". Set a good example by always wearing your own helmet when biking or other roller sports.

By Stew

Bike Loan and Bike Rescue Programs

Our town has a bike loan program for only $10 per year. If you volunteer for two hours, it's free. You can also get free bike parts if you volunteer. I've also heard of people in other towns who do "bike rescues," which means they scour the area for old bikes, repair them and donate them. Maybe your town has one of these programs or you can start one.


Watch Garage Sales for Spring Cleaning Deals

Visit garage sales in the spring. People are cleaning out their garages and you can find some great deals on barely used bikes. Visit a store before hand and find out what size of bike is right for you. If you bet a bike that doesn't fit your body, you'll just end up selling it at your garage sale the following year.

By Lewissan

Arrange for Trades With Friends

If you have friends or relatives with children, you might be able to swap around bikes for years. Tricycles and toddler bikes often get very little wear You can add stickers or use spray paint to change the bikes for kids of the opposite sex.

By Jess

Do you have any ideas to share? Feel free to post them below.


March 21, 20090 found this helpful

Check with your school for special bike helmet programs. I just found out that my school offers bike helmets in all sizes for $5.00, including adult sizes!


And for $20.00 at walmart you can get a kids logo helmet, knee and elbow pads.

March 26, 20090 found this helpful

I want to add to Stew's response. Please get the helmet before your child even tries the bike! My son was hit by a car 3 1/2 years ago, when he was 15 years old. He is now 18 and we care for him at home. He was riding his bike and and wasn't wearing his helmet, because he was going to see agirl and wanted to look cool, I guess. He can't walk and can't talk and can't do much of anything. Please, please, please tell your child the story of my son if they think they are to cool not to wear one. Karen

March 27, 20090 found this helpful

REGARDING BIKE HELMETS (or other safety helmets) -- Don't get too thrifty! Get new helmets, or make sure used helmets are undamaged. Once a helmet has been damaged it looses it's shock-absorbing effectiveness -- kind of like the new car bumpers that crumple on impact.

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