I am assuming that anyone who logs into Thrifty Fun regularly will already be preparing work bags, sandwiches and uniforms in advance, but here are some other ways of saving time:
- When making sandwiches the night before, make a cheese sandwich, in addition to whatever you are taking for packed lunch, and wrap it in foil. When you get up in the morning, put your foil wrapped package in the oven on gas mark 3-4, and leave it to bake whilst you have your shower for an easy hot breakfast that you can eat on the bus if necessary.
- Once you've put your sandwich in the oven, put the kettle on. Nip out of the bathroom between showering and getting dressed to make a cafetiere of coffee (your clean cafetiere, with measured ground coffee, will, of course, have been prepared the night before). If you are going to breakfast on the bus, tip the coffee into a thermos mug with milk and sugar to taste, otherwise wait to pour until you are ready to have breakfast. If you are going on a longer journey (on holiday, perhaps), consider taking a thermos flask with sugared black coffee and an aerosol can of low fat cream topping - the coffee will stay hot longer if you haven't added milk to it in the flask.
- If you are in a really tearing hurry, the quickest way to freshen up is to have a wash down, using one flannel to apply soap, and another to rinse it off. The soap flannel never goes into the water after its initial moistening, so you don't have to rinse scum off the sink, and you save the time you would otherwise spend on wringing out and rinsing the flannel between soaping and rinsing your body. Place used flannels in washing machine ready to wash. If you are preparing for a holiday or hospital admission, put each toiletry item into your toilet bag as you finish using it.
- If a train journey forms part of your commute, consider whether you can use the toilet on the train for teeth cleaning or hair styling - if you think that you can, pack the appropriate equipment in your workbag the night before.
- If you are planning to eat on the go, it may be worth taking a bottle of still or tap water with you - there are limits to the extent that you can get to work with toothpicks or flossing tools on public transport, but you can quite well take a mouthful of water, swoosh it around the offending teeth to loosen debris, and then swallow it.
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Marty Dick
Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 169 Posts February 24, 20150 found this helpful
These are great tips which I needed while I was working. Thanks! The only thing is that many cities don't allow foodstuffs on buses.
But I suppose you could scarf them down while you wait. Thanks again... great info!
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