
Saying Yes to a Prom Invitation

March 15, 2015

Couple Going to PromI got a simple card from a guy in school asking me for prom with a kitten on it saying does ... have a prom date? What should I say?

By Mysterious



Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
March 16, 20150 found this helpful
Best Answer

Well, you have many answer possibilities. If it were me, I would reply in person:
Yes, I would love to go with you,
No, I have a date,
No, I am not going to the Prom.
Or any other answer that you feel is appropriate in the situation.
It is important here to be truthful and kind.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

February 4, 2010

I was asked to prom and I don't know how to answer him back. He asked me by placing a stuffed dog that he made look like a bunny with a carrot and a little saying on my porch one night. Then he gave me a carrot at each class period with letters carved into them to spell his name (the next day).

Well I had one idea to get a carrot cake with an icing carrot on the top with a saying "cut the carrot, of course I would go to prom with you", any other ideas?




Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 147 Feedbacks
February 4, 20100 found this helpful

Tell him to stop beating around the bush, to say what he wants to! Good luck.

February 4, 20100 found this helpful

I' m a teenager also. I kinda feel your pain. Is there snow where you live? If there is just spell something out with little carrots in his yard!

February 8, 20100 found this helpful

How creative! Use carrots to spell yes and take a photo to send by Twitter or Facebook, whatever you both use. However, I like the idea of a carrot cake and make it homemade!


Sounds like he's a keeper! Good luck and enjoy the prom.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
February 8, 20100 found this helpful

I also say you're idea is creative and definitely use carrots somehow to spell out yes :-) What a sweet, clever and romantic young man! He must like you a lot! Enjoy the prom and post a picture for us of you two from the event :-) Oh! If you can pull off wearing orange, wear an orange dress or at least an orange sash or try to find a little carrot pin to place somewhere on your dress and maybe two to pin one on him!

February 8, 20100 found this helpful

What a nice sounding and clever fellow. If you stick with the carrot cake idea, why not say something like; "You are 24 karat! Would love to go!" All of the others ideas are nice also.


You can take orange bakeable clay and fashion a carrot with green top and bake it. Make a tie tack or lapel pin to give him something special to wear.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
February 8, 20100 found this helpful

OMG! Banty's "You are 24 karat! Would love to go!". Idea is excellent!

February 25, 20100 found this helpful

If he's going through all this trouble, he REALLY likes you! Just say yes, instead of leaving him hanging, or he might think you're not interested and ask someone else.

February 28, 20100 found this helpful

Thanks for all your help guys I ended up doing what I said. I got my dress its amazing. Prom is this Saturday :) I'll be sure to post a pic. Thanks a ton.

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April 19, 2013

So yesterday the guy that I have a thing with asked me to my sophomore prom! I am so so excited, but I need a cute way to say yes. He asked me by making sure I was golfing right behind him and his friend at high school golf practice and he left me cute notes in the holes at the golf course! Finally, I got all the notes and put them together. "After a couple great drives, after hitting the green with your irons, and after sinking that putt, will you make it to prom with me?" Cutest thing ever. I want my way of answering to be cute too! Any good ideas?

By Airr


April 21, 20130 found this helpful
Best Answer

Make a little "booklet" with these words on the front cover: "15 (or whatever number you want) Reasons to Go to the Prom With You"


Inside, write an "answer" on each page:
I want to
I want to
I want to
write a different answer on each page:
I want to
I'm excited
Can't wait
Lookin' forward to it so much
You're so sweet to ask me
Leave the booklet where he'll be sure to find it.

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April 2, 2012

Prom InvitationSo my boyfriend asked me to prom the other day and I want to say yes in a cute way, even though he knows I'im going to say yes. I was thinking about playing a joke on him and somehow saying no first and then saying yes, but idk.

He asked me by putting little notes all over the walls leading up to my bedroom and then in my bedroom, he decorated the place with my favorite colors. There were also flowers and a little note that said "I will love you till the last rose dies". And that works because one of the roses was fake. There was also a huge poster saying "Prom?".


I just wanna be a cute girlfriend and make it interesting. He's a funny guy and he can handle a good joke. If you have any ideas please Help me and let me know! Thanks:)

By Katie B.


April 3, 20120 found this helpful

Replace the fake rose with a dead rose and give it to him with a note "well, what should I do now?"

April 3, 20120 found this helpful

Do not play a trick on him by saying no, then saying yes. This tactic could really ruin your relationship. Maybe instead of trying to be cute, just be sincere and let him know how awesome you think his way of asking you to the prom was and that you are thrilled to go with him.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 163 Posts
April 3, 20120 found this helpful

Why don't you make up a cute invitation style response by making it like a formal invitation to a wedding?

Something like Miss Katie (insert middle name) B. The daughter of Mr and Mrs. so n so sincerely accepts the invitation to the prom with Mr (his name) on so n so date. Please be sure to pick her up at so n so hour and have her home by so n so hour (if you have a curfew). Draw hearts and make it a love scene. Be sure to mail it. You'll have him eating out of your hand.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 679 Feedbacks
April 4, 20120 found this helpful

No! Definitely don't play any kind of joke on him! Never do anything that could raise the slightest doubt in his mind! Accept, and thank him in a pleasant, sincere way.

April 29, 20120 found this helpful

How about printing off hundreds of "yes"es, then punching them out in heart and lip shapes; you can make a trail with them that he frequents - bet he'll know they're from you!

January 17, 20160 found this helpful

Get a plain white T-shirt and, using all different colors of washable markers, write different answers such as: "I'd love to," "no," "Let's do this," "No way," "Dream guy," "Not in your life," etc. Throw a bunch of question marks on there, too. Then, with a permanent marker write a "yes" in the mix. Leave a trail of question marks in his car, and then in his house leading to the washing machine where a box of Tide is waiting. Have a note there beside it to wash the T-shirt. Only the "yes" in permanent marker will remain.

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February 28, 2005

Do you have any clever ideas on how to answer a guy that has asked you to the jr. prom?


April 19, 20130 found this helpful

For girl's choice dances, I have been answered in a few cute ways...
One boy simply made me 3 cupcakes that said Y-E-S and had them delivered to me at school! So simple and "sweet" (;

An idea I loved from another guy was to get tons of tootsie rolls. Unroll one or two and write your answer on the inside of the wrapper. Re-wrap the tootsie roll(s) and mix them back with the rest! I had to eat so many tootsie rolls to find my answer! (:
Now I just need a cute way to answer my man to prom! (:

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March 17, 2014

So my boyfriend asked me to prom by putting a path of Hersey kisses with roses from my front door to my room and a poster at the end that said I would kiss the floor you walk on if you would go to prom with me? And I wanna answer in a cute way how do I do it?

By nanaybernal17

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November 8, 2010

Do you have any clever ideas on how to answer a guy that has asked you to the junior prom?

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