
Selling Textbooks Online

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September 3, 2009

Girl Selling Textbooks OnlineIf you have college textbooks that the store you bought them from won't take them back, because they aren't going to use them anymore, check online. They were no longer using my husband's math book, so I went online and found a place that would pay me $14 for the book. I also got to print out a prepaid postage, so it didn't even cost to mail it to them. It was less than what I paid for it but at least it was something.


By christi from Paducah, KY

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July 17, 2014

Do you ever plan on using Amazon's trade-in program to get rid of old textbooks. Before you send in a book, cancel your trade-in submission and wait a couple of days to see if they will raise the price. I did this recently and the company added $8.00 to the trade-in value.


3 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

June 5, 2008

Does anyone know where I can sell used college textbooks? They are used but are in like new condition. I paid $85.00 for my text book which I would like to sell. I have listed it on but it does not seem to be moving. The buy back sites are quoting me the max $6.00-$7.00. I do not want to sell at this price. I would be willing to sell it at around $50.00. Any ideas would appreciated. Thanks.

Patg from NY


By Rhyno (Guest Post)
June 5, 20080 found this helpful
Best Answer

Honestly, if you're still in school, your best bet may be to find a student in your school who needs them. That's assuming your edition is still good for said classes.


Either way, anyone who needs the book would probably rather pay you $50 than have to spend $80 on it.

By Harry (Guest Post)
June 5, 20080 found this helpful
Best Answer

There are book stores near the school campus that buy and sell used text books. You could also look in to the school buying the books back or place an ad on the school bulletin board.

By Nancy (Guest Post)
June 6, 20080 found this helpful
Best Answer

I sold most of my granddaughter's on It doesn't cost anything to open an account and list them and A only takes a cut when you actually sell the books.

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