
Sewing Patterns for Dresses in Queen Sizes?

Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 87 Requests

I have a wedding in May to attending, for my sister's son. I am a queen size and can't find anything to wear. Does anyone know of sewing patterns that come in queen sizes? I have just spent 30 mins looking and found a couple sites but not much.


Sandy from Baltimore

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Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts
February 27, 20080 found this helpful
Best Answer

Simplicity & most of the major pattern companies have a special section in their books for larger women. It makes perfect sense, as people the world over (especially in America) are getting larger. I'm not a large women (anymore) but I still sometimes buy from this area of the pattern books because I like the patterns & they go down to a size 10. There's a wonderful designer named Khaliah Ali that only designs for larger women (Simplicity) & she has some beautiful patterns!



Here's a wonderful site. These patterns are made especially for women who are larger AND shorter, thus the name: "Petite-Plus Patterns"... You need not be "Petite" to sew from these patterns, as they have places to add or shorten every pattern piece. But what's especially nice about these patterns is they are specially designed to make you look longer & leaner. I read a (chat) interview with the designer of Petite-Plus Patterns on PaternReview.Com & she talked about "Color Choice" being THE most important thing for Petite-Plus women. She said that Petite-Plus women should try to wear ONE color, head to toe.

They can be solids, mixed with patterns or vertical stripes as long as the clothes are ALL the same color! She also said it's important to wear 3 matching pieces of clothing, (all the same color) Example: a tunic vest, a skirt & scarf, or pants with a jacket & a hat. This way a person looking at you will see a longer/leaner you! It made perfect sense to me & even though I'm 5'-5", I still plan to use this advise in my own life!




Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 149 Feedbacks
February 27, 20080 found this helpful

I sew for a living and am always looking for patterns.I too am +sz here is a site for patterns that go to size 6X hope it helps


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 149 Feedbacks
February 27, 20080 found this helpful

i also meant to say ebay sellers offer lots plus size dresses for differant occasions try it. just put in 6x or whatever your size maybe in the search field.

February 27, 20080 found this helpful

You can always go to your local wal-mart and visit there sewing section and browse through their pattern books. They usually have plus size and even have yardage for as low as $1 a yard.


I too, am plus size and can buy the pattern and material for less than $8. Then i can reuse the pattern with different material to alter the "new dress".

By denise w (Guest Post)
March 1, 20080 found this helpful

I know you asked for patterns but thought I might give this info if you can't find anything. I'm a size 30/32 and I bought my wedding dress in dillards for 75.00 on clearance. I was also able to find my mothers gown there also for 25.00. Now is the time to be looking because they closeout all of last years stuff at this time of year, to make room for this years Easter and prom dresses.


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