Try this the next time you have a yard sale. I buy a package of seed starter cups (cost $1) and fill them with starter plants from my yard (ivy, daisies, etc.). Yard sale goers love plants! This makes my yard sale better and also thins out my flowerbeds at the same time. You may also meet someone that wants to trade plantings with you, so you can have a start of something new for yourself.
By vickie guy from Earle, AR
This page contains the following solutions.
All of these plants were donated to me by a fellow Thrifty Fun member. All of these were taken directly from her grounds. They are doing great and are a fabulous starting point for me!
Save money on plant by trading. Here are some great tips from the ThriftyFun community. Post your own advice here.
Find a friend you can exchange seeds or plants with and watch your garden grow without any outlay of cash. To know that that wild geranium came from your good friend can bring a content smile to your face all season long.
It is mid January and already the seed catalogues are coming in the mail, the packages of seed are in the store and anxiety begins of what are we going to plant. Sometimes when wanting to try something different, I know my little spots of trial produce won't use up the whole packet.
ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.
All of my neighbors like to garden, so we all share out plants by cuttings or seeds.