Approximate Time 30 minutes
- 1/2 yard of 3/4 - 1/2 inch wide elastic in a color of your choice
- different styles of a yard or more length ribbbon in 1/2 inch and 1 inch widths
- scissors
- buttons (optional)
- thread
- sewing needle
- measuring tape
I have tried three different styles of ribbon head bands. You will have to decide which one works best for you.
Simple Strap

- Measure your ribbon a little over 1/2 a yard around your own head or head of the person you want it to fit so there is about 1 - 2 inch space between the two ends. Alternately you can actually measure the head with the measuring tape and use this as a guide to cut your ribbons.
- Cut ribbon to that size.
- Cut a wide piece of elastic just slightly longer than the 1-2 inch gap you measured between the ends of the ribbon on your head.
- Hem the two ends tightly over so it doesn't fray, attaching your piece of elastic to each hemmed side. You may either attach the elastic at the time of hemming or after.
Single Strap with Long Ends

- Measure a 1 yard strip of ribbon similar to the single strap method, but do not cut it.
- Take a similar sized piece of wide elastic and attach it at the that point on the ribbon to both ends of ribbon leaving two long pieces to hang down. You may then hem the loose ends up slightly or leave them.
Loop and button

- Measure slightly over a 1/2 yard of desired ribbon around head leaving 1-2 inch gap between ends at back of head (cut it to this size).
- Hem each end over slightly.
- Sew an attractive button to one end. Sew a 2 inch loop of thin elastic to the other side, creating an elastic button hole. Wrap around head and secure loop to button.
By Mara from Seattle, WA

May 24, 20080 found this helpful
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To keep it from slipping off your head, just sew/glue a small peice of cut rubber (band) to the underside of the ribbon. the bands that come with brocolli would work pretty good I would think.