I recently was given a Singer 221 Featherweight sewing machine. It worked OK for about 2 minutes. I have threaded it properly, but when I drop the arm to start sewing the upper part of the thread doesn't pull through. I've adjusted the tension to every setting, but it's not working. Any suggestions?
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Make sure the needle is properly inserted.
Thank you! I changed the needle and voila! It worked!
When threading go from LEFT to RIGHT, also check bobbin area, If you took the face plate off to clean the dust and lint out of the space, then make sure the little arm that sticks out of the bobbin holder is in the grove of the face plate {you have to look up- under bobbin area} clear as mud huh? also make sure pressure foot is up when treading machine, that opens the tension plates. you are lucky to get a featherweight, keep her oiled and grease gears and she will work well for many years to come. ismacs.net is a great site with free manuals.
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