We each have a need to keep our little valuable items, whatever they may be, nearby. I noticed that there was really no place to store these things other than in a cup or saucer. So I made these bags for everyone in our home. They are perfect for holding trinkets, chargers, or earbuds. The fabric is so beautiful. I am going to make more. I love them so much!
Total Time: 30 minutes
Yield: One bag
- fabric scrap
- scissors
- embroidery thread
- Several safety pins
- 1 crochet hook of any size
- 1 long piece red yarn
- marker
- ruler
- Fold fabric in half right side in and mark straight lines to sew along, using a ruler and a permanent marker or washable marker.
- Sew the sides closed leaving room at the top to fold over the drawstring you will crochet. Trim seam if needed.
- Crochet a chain one and a half times the length of the bag.
- Place the crocheted drawstring under top rim of the bag. Safety pin to secure if you like.

- Sew top flap over drawstring. Make sure the drawstring is free to move every few stitches to make sure you are not sewing the string to the actual bag.

- Turn bag back to where the pretty material can be seen or right side out and push corners into shape with crochet hook. It should look like a rectangle.

- Put trinkets inside and pull drawstring to close. Tie drawstring into a bow.

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Gold Post Medal for All Time! 523 Posts June 16, 20180 found this helpful
They are practical and cute, too! Nice.

Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks June 16, 20180 found this helpful
Cute!! I like it that I can try it with scrap yarn and scrap fabric! Always looking for things to use the flotsam and jetsam I have around! Thanks for sharing!
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