
Smell Coming From a Car Air Conditioner

April 16, 2006

Car Air ConditionerThe inside of my car has a mildew smell and I think it could be from the A/C. How can I get rid of the smell?

tzw5kf from Shreveport, LA



Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 407 Feedbacks
April 18, 20060 found this helpful

There are filters in your car's air conditioning system that need to be replaced every now and then. This is not the same as the engine air filter. People with allergies should do this more often.

April 18, 20060 found this helpful

The mildew probably got started by running only the "max" A/C. That recirculates the cabin air, which is moist. Using the regular A/C dries out the air. If you run only the max A/C, it leaves moisture in the unit and mildew grows. I'm not sure how to get rid of the smell now, but be sure when you run your A/C to at least finish the last few minutes on regular A/C to dry it out.

By Humbilina (Guest Post)
March 1, 20090 found this helpful

We too had this odor in our car. Where did it come from no one knows. We put a cut apple under the hood near the dash.


It did help Give it a try. It also helps to put the crystal type of deodorant in the back seat floor board of the car.

May 16, 20160 found this helpful

Smell in the car emanating from A/c duct can be due to Bacteria or Fungi, which cannot be removed by cleaning the interiors of the car. You need to use heat fumigation process with special solution which will kill the bacteria, fungi and even removes cigarette smells. "Airtune" products available in market are an excellent solution.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

September 4, 2007

My car smells. When I use the air conditioner, there is no smell. When I just use the fan that circulates the air from outside, then my car smells. What can I do to get rid of the smell?

Shelley from Worth, IL


By LeAnn (Guest Post)
September 6, 20070 found this helpful

i would look under the hood and see if there is anything there causing the smell that may be circulating in when you turn the fan on.

By Smiddlemore (Guest Post)
September 6, 20070 found this helpful

The smell may becoming from inside the car. Try sprinkling a good amount of baking soda through out the car. On seats and floor mats. Let the baking soda absorb the smell for at least a couple of hours, overnight if possible. Vacum it up and see if this solves your odor problem.


It may take two or three treatments to completely absorb the smell. If you still think the smell is coming from the vent, you may have to have a someone look at your filters and see if mold has accumulated. In which case they simply need to be replaced.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 378 Feedbacks
September 6, 20070 found this helpful

Years ago a smell was my first clue that little mousies had found their way in under the hood and built a nestie in the heater. I had to pay a service guy to disassemble the heater to remove all the materials they used for nesting. Even after that, there were bits of stuff flying out the vents for a week or so.

September 6, 20070 found this helpful

I had this exact same problem. In my van there was a filter, like an air filter for the heat/ac system. It was located behind the glove box. This filter was all clogged up with dirt and yucky stuff and that was causing the smell. In my case they wanted 45 or $50 to replace the filter so my husband took it out and cleaned it and it never worked right again. Whenever it was rainy or anything, my windows would steam up and I couldn't see. We finally solved the problem by taking the filter out and just leaving it out. We were too cheap to buy a replacement.


TC in MO

By Nana B (Guest Post)
September 7, 20070 found this helpful

This happen with my Tahoe. Found out that the drain line to the air conditioner was clogged. The repairman said if it is really hot and you do not see any water coming from the side of your car, right near the front door, that usually means the line is clogged, which means it backs up and mildew and other smell will cause the inside of the car to smell. Also, sometime I would notice a small amount of water on the passenger side of my car. This is another sign the line is clogged. It has been really hot and dry here, so we had to run the air conditioner a great deal. So, the problem was not that hard to find. Good luck, hope this is your problem as any mechanic can fix just check around for the best price.

By gee (Guest Post)
January 7, 20080 found this helpful

I purchasesd a used 2007 sebring. drove it for a couple of days and I noticed a nauseating smell. The best way for me to describe the smell is urine. I took it back to the dealer and they detailed the car. I drove it for a couple of days and the scent came back.


They exchanged the car for another sebring and after driving it for a week this car has the same unbearable smell. Is there anyone out there that has experienced this same problem with a sebring?

January 9, 20160 found this helpful

I have Chrysler Sebring too and have had this smell coming out when the ac and heater is on. I've tried a car bomb, which only masked the problem. Antimold agents sprayed by the dealer, same outcome, I've had ion sprays several times to no avail. My car is making me sick and still @ the dealer. I refuse to pay to have this ongoing problem. I've asked them to check the heater and ac system, under the dash to find a kinked tube, mold, or malfunction. Tired of getting duped!!! Wasting my time with mickey mouse treatments. Want them to get to the gist of the problem.

July 14, 20160 found this helpful

My 15year old corsa smells of rotten eggs when I use the fan that circulates the air from outside how can I get rid of the smell

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April 1, 2014

My Dodge Ram 2014 emits an antiseptic odor, almost like entering a hospital. Like the odor of band-aides. I took it to an auto air repair shop. The man said he didn't have a clue. He told me to get air freshener. I have 4 grand kids and don't want this to be anything that will hurt them.

By Suzy J


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
April 4, 20140 found this helpful

This vehicle should be under warranty. Take it back to the dealer and ask if this is an odor that should be there or that will go away in time. I suspect it is just a new car/plastic smell that will go away in time, but I am merely guessing.


The dealership should be able to explain it or fix it.

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May 12, 2012

How do you get rid of the rat smell when you turn on the heat or A/C? The smell is coming through the vents. I have had the engine pressured washed and that didn't help.

By Carolyn B.


May 14, 20120 found this helpful

There could be a dead rat inside the venting itself. Other than finding and removing the animal, only time will get rid of the odor.

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August 30, 2005

I have a four year old car that runs great, a dream to drive and gets reasonable gas mileage. One problem however, it has a peculiar odor when the air conditioning is running. I took it in to the dealer. He told me it happens occasionally to vehicles and I happen to be one of the unlucky people to have this problem. He sold me a can of spray for the vents under the hood. It smelled like talcum powder for a few days then the odor came back.

Have any of you had this problem? If so, were you able to remedy it. Sure hope someone can help. This is such a great and helpful website. No harm in asking.

Thanks in advance.


May 23, 20120 found this helpful

Yea, I've had the same problem, almost like a vinegar or foul B.O. smell? I've looked into it and it happens when moisture gets into in the fan or a/c vents, then causing mould to grow in the vents. Hence the bad smell. I've not managed to fix this myself as of yet but apparently running the fans on full for 10-15 mins can dry out the vents to stop it from smelling. Not sure how long-term this solution is though!

Hope that helps

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April 24, 2011

I have a four year old car that runs great, a dream to drive and gets reasonable gas mileage. One problem however, it has a peculiar odor when the air conditioning is running. I took it in to the dealer. He told me it happens occasionally to vehicles and I happen to be one of the unlucky people to have this problem.

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