
Storing Photos?

I need to make space in my house quickly. I am wondering if I can store photographs in a storage shed that is not temperature controlled. Most are still in original the envelopes they came in once developed at the store. I know there are safer ways, but I am pressed for time. Hopefully this is for a few months; weather here is cold, but little snow (for humidity).


Thank you.

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Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
January 20, 20191 found this helpful

I don't recommend a shed for your photos.

It is recommended to store your photos in a cool environment, away from heat/humidity.

Other tips/suggestions:


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
January 21, 20191 found this helpful

This is not a good idea. The change in temperature will ruin the photos.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
January 21, 20191 found this helpful

Do you have a friend or neighbor or family who can take the photo boxes for you? I would not put them outside in a shed, in a basement or attic. Photos are extremely sensitive to temperature, humidity, and can be ruined very quickly.


I hope you are able to borrow some space and keep them safe. If you absolutely must put them in a shed, remove the negatives and keep them inside, that way if you had to you could reprint...but that is expensive and a challenge these days to find places to even do this.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
January 21, 20191 found this helpful

I agree that placing photographs in storage shed would not be a good idea but I have had success using under bed storage containers so maybe that would work for you?

These can be purchased at most large stores as well as on line:

If the need is immediate then try using heavy duty grocery type paper bags until you can make other arrangements.


Place photographs in paper bags, laying flat, and slide under bed or even under a chair until you can find a better storage area.

Try not to place in bathrooms, kitchen area or laundry area as these areas have too much moisture.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
January 22, 20191 found this helpful

if you have a little money to invest you could actually get some fireproof safes and store them in there

or if there's an abandoned (but not disgusting) refrigerator or freezer somewhere you can store them in there. The idea is to keep tem somewhere insulated from temperature fluctuiations and humidity


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