Tips for storing yeast.
You can extend the life of yeast by storing it in the freezer. Active dry yeast can be stored in the freezer for up to a year. Freeze it in sealed plastic or glass container and be sure to mark it with the date of purchase.
By Fisher
I keep 2 lb. bag Fleishman's Yeast in freezer up to 2 months after opening. Got the tip from Alton Brown of Good Eats! on the Food Network. Net savings is $74.00 and the yeast does proof!
By Vicki
In my fridge freezer I have a tupperware container with yeast in it. I bet the yeast is at least 3 years old. I used to make my own bread and now do not and so use a lot less yeast. I have not noticed any lack of inability for the yeast to rise because it is "old". It has been stored in the freezer and in the tupperware container since I bought it. So... just because the yeast may be over 6 months to 1 year in age, as long as it still rises... great, use it.
By Valleyrimgirl
I would suggest buying yeast in bulk at sams or a resturant supply. I buy it for $1.59 a pound. This is about the same price as a 3 strip packages of yeast. This will reduce the price to a few cents per package equivalent.
2 1/2 tsp. = 1 pkg.
Accourding to red star this is the way to store:
Once opened yeast will live for 2 weeks at room temperature, 6 weeks in the refrigerator, and 6 months in the freezer. I put the yeast in a zip-lock bag, remove the air and place in the feezer. Remember that yeast is a living organism so correct temperature is important.
By Sue
Yeast will last longer than specified on those little packages from the grocery store if kept in the refrigerator and even longer in the freezer (up to a year).
By Brenda Cole
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June 30, 20060 found this helpful
Not that I suppose it matters a whole heck of a lot but it is Alton Brown that is the chef on "Good Eats" on the foodnetwork.....not Aaron Brown!
By Philo (Guest Post)
April 3, 20080 found this helpful
I once stored yeast in the freezer but on thawing it just went into a liquid. I did not use it. Just want to know if this is usual.
Many thanks,
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