Forgive me if this may be the dunce question of the day... or year.
I am simply wondering if after mixing vinegar with water for use as a simple cleaning solution, and storing it in a standard spray bottle; does it lose it's "oomph" after so long? I tend to believe it would be fine, but? Thank you for your thoughts!
I've used vinegar for years, and have had no trouble with storing it - it doesn't lose its "oomph" at all.
I mix essential oils in with mine, too, depending on the job. For germ-killing jobs, like cleaning the toilet, I add tea-tree or eucalyptus oils.
To do this, just put a bit of metho in the bottom of an empty spray bottle, add the essential oil, mix it around, then top up with vinegar (and water too if you want).
The metho dissolves the oil so it will mix with the vinegar - if you don't want to use it, you can leave it out, and just shake the bottle well each time before you use it. (Mind you, I've found it can end up clogging the spray tip if you do this).
vinegar and water stays strong but if you also like to use bleach and water and want it to keep its disinfecting qualities you have to mix it fresh. it will still bleach out stains if it is old but it won't disinfect. it only takes a couple of tablespoons of bleach to a quart of water.
Thank you, Ladies, for your feedback! The idea of adding some essencial oil is nice....sometimes I have noticed the scent of vinegar hanging out for awhile!