September 28, 20170 found this helpful
Best Answer
You only ask about what to stretch a doily on but did you intend to just stretch it to dry properly (still limp) or were you thinking about making your doily stiff?
- As for what to stretch your doily on; you only need some place large enough to accommodate your doily (table, desk, counter) and something (larger than your doily) that will absorb water.
- Be sure any table you choose is safe from moisture by covering with plastic (large plastic bags, shower curtain, clear plastic) or try to find a safe table/counter top. The area you need will be determined by the size of your doily.
- For the base you can use thick cardboard, thick towel or folded bedsheet.
- Your doily will only be damp (not dripping wet) so this layer just has to be thick enough to accommodate a small amount of moisture.
- If dirty, wash your doily (by hand is best) with a cap full of baby shampoo or other mild soap, rinse several times and gently squeeze the water out until it is damp but not dripping very much.
- If the doily is not dirty, just do the same as above but without any soap.
- Lay your doily on your towel (or whatever material you are using) and gently stretch it into the shape you want/need.
- After stretching into shape take straight pins (most are stainless steel) and the pins with colorful heads/tops work well; then gently tug the outer edges and fasten down with a pin.
- Go around the complete doily and remove and redo pins until you have the shape you want it to be when it dries.
- Wait for several hours before removing so it will have plenty of time to dry.
- Just remember - your doily may be shaped properly but it will still be limp.
The following links will show you how to do all of this but will also describe how to starch your doily in case you ever decide that as another option.
Directions will show how to starch - using liquid starch, spray starch, Elmer's glue, or sugar water starch - but same directions apply to blocking your doily - just omit the starch bit.
Be sure to check them out before you start your project.