
String Art Paintings

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String Art Paintings - two finished paintingsAnother type of fun painting is string art. The designs formed look mostly like flowers.

What I like most about this kind of painting is that you don't need a specific handstroke to create a nice design.



String Art Paintings - supplies


  1. Choose a single color to paint the string.
  2. String Art Paintings- choose one color to paint the string
  3. Brush the string with watercolor leaving an inch or two unpainted.
  4. String Art Paintings - brush the string with watercolor leaving an inch or so unpainted
  5. Position the string onto a piece of clean paper. See image as a sample.
  6. String Art Paintings - string arranged on plain paper
  7. Cover it with any scratch paper except for the unpainted tip.
  8. String Art Paintings - cover with scratch paper leaving the unpainted tip our

  9. Now, slowly pull on the unpainted tip of the string.
  10. String Art Paintings - slowly pull the unpainted end of the string
  11. Remove the cover and see the effect.
  12. String Art Paintings - lift scratch paper to see the design
  13. If you wish to combine colors in one string art, pick 3 or more different colors then paint the string alternately.
  14. String Art Paintings - to create a multicolor art piece paint sections of the string with alternating colors
  15. Do the same steps and see the effects of combined colors. You can put that in a frame and display at home.
  16. String Art Paintings - lay string on new piece of paper, cover and repeat
    String Art Paintings - painting in purple, yellow and orange

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