I was wondering if you had a substitute for marshmallows. It has gelatin and my religion is strictly not allowed to have that. The recipe I was trying to make was called, chocolate chip flutternutter Cheerio bars. So, I was hoping that you had a substitute for marshmallows. Please get back to me soon! I want to make this for my dad's birthday which is next week. Thank you!
There area some gelatin free brands out there on the market, such as Dandies and sweet and sara. Can you use the marshmallow fluff? I don't think it contains gelatin.
FYI, are you aware that many medications, especially those in a capsule form contain gelatin? I work in a pharmacy and many people are not aware that they do.
It looks like you are looking for a vegan marshallow, such as can be found here: http://dandiesmarshmallows.com
They will inevitably be more expensive and I'm not sure how well they work because the gelatin acts as the 'glue' of the various ingredients, though I often use vegan only products and am generally satisfied with the results.
These use tapioca and soy in place of gelatin.
if you go on epicurious.com, they have a recipe for vegan marshmallows using a vegan gelatine substitute (probably agar agar, a gelatin derived from seaweed). I find their recipes are always pretty good. here's the link: www.epicurious.com/