Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts February 20, 20181 found this helpful
Best Answer
Here in Tahiti many people use evaporated milk instead of cream in their coffee. If you buy the sweetened evaporated milk you shouldn't need to add any sugar to your coffee.

February 6, 20220 found this helpful
I love carnation cream in my coffee, been using it for 12yrs. It now costs $1.72 per can. I know it is high in sugar and fat, but have not found anything that tastes as good, still trying as I need to lose some weight

February 25, 20180 found this helpful
Best Answer
Of course, the basic answer is yes - you can substitute evaporated milk for coffee creamer but I am wondering why you would want to do this..
- The total cost will probably (from research on the Internet) is about the same.
- Is evaporated milk better for you "health wise"?
- There is some controversy about that but mainly because both have saturated fat that everyone is trying to eliminate from their diet.
- Here are a quote from a "Nutritionists".
- Is evaporated milk good for you?
- Because canned milk is condensed or evaporated, this is far more than the 146 calories per cup in regular whole milk. ... Most of the fat in canned milk derives from saturated fat, an unhealthy variety of fat that may result in clogged arteries if you consume too much.
- Here is a basic recipe for using evaporated milk to make coffee creamer substitute:
- 14-oz can of sweetened condensed milk
- 18-oz of milk (you can also use 1/2 and 1/2 if you want a thicker consistency)
- 1-tbsp vanilla extract (the cheap stuff will do, I cant taste a difference)
- Add 2 tablespoons of your choice of flavoring.
- Here is a link for directions and more information:
- savorandsavvy.com/.../homemade-caramel-coffee-creamer.html
- Here is another site that has a little different twist on this subject.
- preparednessmama.com/.../

February 25, 20180 found this helpful
Sure you can. During the 1940's it was pretty much the norm, everyone used it. I can remember the phrase "Where in Tarnation is the Carnation"