I work part-time at a local library and I love it. One of my jobs is to teach an Adult Craft Class once a month. I was doing okay, mostly, until we closed to the public for Covid19. I now have to do my crafts via videos.
I try to make the crafts interesting but also try to come up with crafts using items most people would already have at home. My problem is I need new ideas. Many of the ideas I seem to come up with often seem to simple for adults. Can anyone suggest crafts that I can film easily in 15 minutes that they would find interesting to learn/watch? Photos or links encouraged. I have always had great luck with questions addressed to this site. Thanks in advance. (Hoping to resume in person classes sometime in 2021 - the sooner the better!)
I love gifts in a jar. You could do a series. One month do a soup, next month bath salts, the next month a bread, and so on.
You could also do a candy series.
Basic book sculpting...only used old discarded books...I usually teach the class about what happens when a new book comes into the library...no one ever thinks that libraries have a finite number of books they can hold & the rest are discarded...talk about the possibilities that a book will be recycled in the future...( a few paperback recycling centers do the paperbacks, but I haven't found any for hard cover books) In fact I began these projects when out school district closed a high school and sent all the h/s books to the h/s where the students were sent to...but, no furniture to hold them....they were filling dumpsters with hundreds of books every week...I contacted all the h/s involved & went around on a regular basis to pick up these books.. Then we began book folding for my severely disabled students who could not cut,or draw...they would hold the book down with the elbow they could control & fold with the 2 fingers that they could control on the other hand!! Such happy Art students....ps...before beginning the book art we always talk about the parts of a book plus the recycling centers...we also do altered books, & even use the large books as paper to paint on & keep as a portfolio....
I remember when I taught classes that doing family pictures on 'something' was always a favorite and digital pictures have evolved since my time.
This is a page about crafts using books. Used books can be recycled and used to make a variety of beautiful crafts.