I had some placemats for almost two years and finally took the time to make them into something special.
Total Time: 2-3 hours
Yield: 4
- 6 plastic placemats ($4.00)
- scissors ($ )
- hot glue gun ($ )
- 2 ft scrap yarn ($ )
- Multiple feet fishing line ($.25)
- I don't know what happened to my shots of the complete placemats, but the ones you can see are just them cut in half. The excess halves were where the solid blue and red stars were cut from.
- With the size of star you want to use for a template, turn the place mat pieces over, trace around them and cut them all. This is what will take the most time.
- I got a bit creative with the 2 placemats I used for extra stars. Some were little, medium, and big, with borders and tiny stars in between.

- When I got the stars cut I wanted, I turned everything over and went to work. I glued the fishing line to the back, where I wanted the stars to hang from. I placed them at the 1/3 mark. When they were pressed with the scissors, (never use your fingers), and cooled, I then sat the line on the tip of one star and glued that, then glued it to the bottom of the star, etc. If you are going to do a mini star inside a larger one, it's best to do them after you turn your work over. If you don't, you might make two layers of the plastic too hot and melt them. In other words, glue each star first, then embellish it last.

- When each was done, I hung it from my front door. I tried to get a great shot of each one inside so you could see the true colors. N-JOY!!
NOTE: Seeing as these are plastic, they have not fared well in the sun. They tend to droop a bit with the hanger being at 1/3 spots. If you want, make two or three places to hang shorter pieces of yarn. Or even bread tags would work.
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