
Survivor's Portion of SS Benefits?

I usually offer a tip, but now I have a question. My husband and I receive Social Security benefits. Does the surviving spouse receive a portion of decedent's SS benefit? If divorced? If so, what percentage? If someone can offer a link or other resource for the answer I would appreciate it. Thank you!


By eileen

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June 5, 20110 found this helpful

You have to have been married for at least 10 years for this to happen. The way it works is the spouse that has the least amount of SS coming can draw enough off the spouses so that the survivorhas enough SS to equal half of what the other spouse gets. For example with the SS that I had coming on my own and what I get off my "ex's", I know that he is drawing at least $1,000 per month. Actually if I figured right in my head he draws $1388 a month. Plus he gets a good pension from the job he retired from and is still working part time at the same job. We were married for 20 years.

June 5, 20110 found this helpful

If I remember right when I applied for SS I was told that if my "ex" would die I would get all of his SS. I would advise contacting you SS office for more information.

June 5, 20110 found this helpful

Thanks. However, I don't have an answer re: a deceased spouse. Can anyone help here? Thanks!


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June 7, 20110 found this helpful

You should call the SS office to find out. I collect from my first husband's SS but since I remarried after him and divorced, I only get 1/3 of his SS. If he dies, I will get 1/2.


I was married to the first husband for 24 years and to the second for 19. The poster is right in that you have to be married at least 10 years to collect anything.

June 8, 20110 found this helpful

I had some months ago contacted SS office online by email. No response. Thanks to all of you!


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