Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts January 23, 20170 found this helpful
Best Answer
I feel there are lots of things you can do but it all depends on what the party is like and who the guests are, and what they are into. One big question is, is it a co-ed or mainly girls party? Because the dynamic is radically different. I will give ideas here that would work for either case
- Contest: What would be fun would be to design the main part of the party as some sort of elaborate contest, for instance, a baking championship. Some adult 'mentor' teaches all the kids how to bake or make a particular something and then they have 3 hours to reproduce it. Then 3 adults judge each one, and the winner gets a prize. You can see Great British Bake Off or Cupcake Wars for ideas on how to structure it. You can buy extra baking supplies at Goodwill or disposable ones at the grocery store, though issues with oven use would have to be overcome.
- If it's a nice day and outside, classic race games/contests are always popular. Egg spoon race, or 3 legged race, or 'red rover' games, or race in a sack games. Or you could do hide and seek. Whoever wins these gets a prize. Though pretty infantile, kids of all ages enjoy these sorts of games. A more 'modern' version is to have some sort of Pokemon Go championship, whoever gets the most Pokemons wins a prize - they leave your house and wander around the block and have to come back within the hour. In the end the important thing is the prize in question: kids (and people) will do, and enjoy, the most outlandish things if they believe a reward & a win are at the other end.
- For an all girl party: You should invite a Mary Kay or Arbonne consultant (or both!) to come give all the girls a makeover! These consultants will do spa parties for free. The expectation is that someone will buy something, inevitably, but it doesn't take away from the fact that they are willing to give people free makeovers.
- Do skits: Separate the guests into groups of 2 or 3 and have them create skits. Find/buy props and costumes from Goodwill or the $ store. Once again, a prize might be a good motivator
- Vision Boards: This might seem a bit airy-fairy, but you could have a crafting session for creating a vision board. Have available lots of different sorts of magazines of every sort, and scissors, glue, and poster board and have each kid cut out what in life they want (whether material, like a car, or abstract, like a picture of someone in college) and stick it on their vision board. This would be fun from a crafts angle and be uplifting from a psychological angle, though it might be a hard sell for kids in this age group who are almost by definition snarky, so proceed with caution.
- When all else fails...food fight!

Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts January 23, 20170 found this helpful
You can have a pinata filled with items teens love like barrettes, nail polish, and the like. When my daughter was 16, we had a game called, "How well do you know Amy?" Each guest was given a list of 20 questions. Examples would be, "What is Amy's middle name?" , "What is her favorite food?" and "What color are the walls in her room?" The top 3 winners won a prize.

January 23, 20170 found this helpful
When my daughter was 15 I rented a room at the Holiday Inn..called her friends one to two weeks ahead and told them to be at the holiday one hr before . I had someone bring her there saying I needed her to meet me there.
When she arrived all the friends were there for a big surprise party...swimming ...big conference room...a big cozy room for them to watch movies and giggle and Free breakfast...a very great time

January 28, 20170 found this helpful
How fun!
How about showing a movie on the side of the house with a projector, or alternative, playing video games on the side of the house.
A candy bar set up would be nice. Get a bunch of different candies, place them in pretty bowls or vases with a scoop or spoon, and let them make their own goodie bags.