Your Pet's Breed
Mixed breed
How and when did you get your pet?
My granddaughter Amber, rescued this dog when he was a puppy. She played with him and nurtured him. He has grown up to be a well-adjusted, fun-loving dog who loves to play and feels safe. He loves to run on the beach and play with other dogs and is very good playing with children and adults. Teddy is a good companion to Amber, she is an animal lover and he feels that love. She got him from a rescue shelter in Collierville, TN.
What does your pet like to do for fun?
He likes to run on the beach, play ball and other games, and going on walks with his owner while she rides her bicycle.
Do you have anything else to share about your pet?
Teddy is a large dog, but does not intimidate people or other dogs because of his size. He is a docile dog, but protective of his owner. He was photographed by his owner's friend and the pictures capture his personality.
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