
Thank You Speech Ideas?

I am trying to write a thank you speech to my coaches, family, friends, and teammates for my signing and I just need somewhere to start. Anyone have any ideas?


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Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
January 11, 20170 found this helpful

Heartfelt speeches that get to the point are the best. Start by saying how much you appreciate what they did for you, and then thank each one by name.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 170 Feedbacks
January 12, 20170 found this helpful

As you prepare to get up in front of everyone, put aside your own potential nervousness. Think about all the people who have helped you and to whom you would like to convey your appreciation. Sit down with pen and paper and bring each name, each face to mind. Write down your thoughts and feelings as if you were talking to that person, and do the same for everyone on your list.


Strive to remember specific circumstances where each individual motivated you and helped you to this point. If you don't have time to, for instance, thank all your team mates individually, strive for one sincere "thank you" for helping: you wouldn't be where you are without them.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
January 12, 20171 found this helpful

Thank you speeches are difficult and may end up embarrassing if you for get to mention someone that helped you.

Sometimes we just need a good start.
Maybe looking at some of these suggestions will help you get started: (you may want to skip #3)

January 14, 20170 found this helpful

Starting with something funny is usually a great ice breaker. Joel Osteen is a great example of using humor to kick things off.


Maybe even bring a funny pic memory onstage with you then build up to the gratitude part.

January 16, 20170 found this helpful

Start out by thanking whoever is signing you. Say something like you never would have guessed you'd be where you are today. If that isn't true, say you always dreamed you'd be where you are today.

Thank your coaches, family, and teammates, but not each by name. Seriously, life's too short.
Then say something inspirational like with hard work you believe everyone can reach their goals. Promise to work hard and make them all proud.
Then, thank everybody in general one last time and you're done.


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