
Thank You Speech for Mother's 80 Birthday?

June 15, 2010

daughter giving mother a giftI want to make a thank you speech for my mom's 80th birthday. Can you give me sample of wordings I could use?

By digz



June 17, 20102 found this helpful

For my mothers 80 I told of some of the things she did in her past, what she did for us and what she taught me. I finished off by just saying "Thanks Mom". Hope this helps.

June 18, 20102 found this helpful

Mention some of the mothers in the Bible, and how they sacrificed and loved their children(the story about king Solomon and the mothers,Moses' mother and the little boat,etc) then commend her love and giving and sacrificing to theirs'.
Mention how a loving mother can teach generations to do the same; that is her legacy. Men can build and plan and carve monuments which will all crumble with time, but a mother's legacy will endure forever, generation after generation.


Finish with mentioning the love she has taught you,which will never die, especially the love you have for her.
And congratulations on having your mother for so many years. Mine died when i was 18, and I would have been so very honored to be able to make the speech you will!

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March 13, 2015

I am looking for wording for and informal speech celebrating my mom's 80th birthday.

By Connie S


March 14, 20151 found this helpful

Wow, Connie. 80 years! Are you grateful for the things she's taught you? Are you proud of the woman you've become thanks in part to the way she raised you? If she was a stay-at-home Mom, was she the kind of woman who was good to all the kids on your block? If she worked outside the home in addition to caring for the home, are you amazed at her energy?


Don't know about you, but I have mixed feelings about my mother as do many of my friends, but if you're throwing a party, you'll likely want to concentrate on gratitude. If you don't have a lot to say on the subject, why not invite all your guests to say a few words?

Hope that helps,
Rose Anne

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