
Tiny Orange Biting Bugs Near Pool?

June 24, 2011

tiny orange bugs on white poleWhile watching my son in the pool, these tiny orange biting bugs were all over my white tank top and then I noticed they were all over the white poles around the pool! When I looked on my skin for what was biting me, I couldn't see them, that's how tiny they are! I looked up the "no see ums" and the thrips, and it doesn't look anything like them, they are much smaller, almost microscopic! How can I get rid of them? Please help me.


By Libby


June 20, 20141 found this helpful
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Does anyone know what these are? They are about the size of half a gnat and bite like crazy but don't leave a mark. No one else in my family gets bit by them. I have tried bug spray and skin so soft nothing helps.
Normally the kids I and I are outside from morning till night but I have no interest in going outside now these things are driving me crazy.

They are not in the house but I noticed them on my porch window so I used a piece of tape to get a picture.

July 7, 20172 found this helpful
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I too have the same issue and saw on another site to use peppermint oil. I used a mixture of peppermint oil with lemon juice and water and sprayed them on the pool and it killed them not harming the pool. they also fly so for a few days I sprayed them as I saw them in the air and the top part of my pool and it has helped tremendously.


They can't live in water. Once they died they were floating on the top of my pool water but I would much rather them there than biting me. The filter on my pool was able to capture most of them. But this remedy has worked for me. You can get the oils at Walmart by the candles. Hope this helps

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June 3, 2018

I have microscopic orange flying biting bugs around my pool. I've noticed many people asking questions about these. We've tried everything over the last few days. They seem to go away then come back.

This is zoomed in quite a bit. You cannot see their legs or wings. I want them gone and will use any chemicals necessary.Getting Rid of Tiny Orange Flying Biting Bugs Outside

Please help me correctly identify them and how to kill them.


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June 3, 20181 found this helpful
Best Answer

Ouch! They may be no see ums or midges. If you take a few in a glass jar to a garden center they may be able to confirm. There are lots of images of them online, for me your pic is a little blurry so I can't be 100% sure.


I prefer more natural ways to get rid of them. This article is

It recommends bowls of vinegar and dish soap to collect and kill. Dump often and be sure your pets can't get into it. Take it in when you aren't around so birds and other good creatures don't get into it.

Be sure to use antibiotic cream on bites so you don't get an infection. Go to the doctor immediately if you get any weird symptoms like throat swelling or red, hot area around the bite. Take samples of the bug in a glass jar if you can to show the doctor what bit you.

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