
Toddler Fun With Flowers

Toddler Fun Flowers
This is a page about toddler fun with flowers. Many little kids love to pick flowers. One fun idea is to take them to a nursery and let them pick up the flowers that have fallen on the ground. It is also a great way for them to learn about the different types of flowers.

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July 5, 2017

Toddler Fun With Flowers - little boy with flowers in his hairI recently took my toddler to a plant nursery and one of the ladies working there said he could pick up any flowers that had fallen off the plants onto the ground. He absolutely loved hunting for flowers and as we were getting ready to leave, he decided to decorate his head with one. :)

Toddler Fun With Flowers - child holding flowers with one yellow one on the top of his head


Then on a trip to his nana's he picked some Johnny Jump-Ups from her garden. His sister decided to do his hair and include some of the flowers he had picked. He couldn't be more adorable!


Toddler Fun With Flowers - little boy with flowers in his hair


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