
Toilet Not Flushing Properly?

April 8, 2005

White ToiletWe just moved into a very nice home built in 1990. However, we are having a few problems in the bathroom. First, the toilet does not flush everything down the first time it is flushed. It always needs to be flushed twice, which is not only wasteful of water, but is also inconvenient, as it takes time to fill up before it can be flushed again.


Does anyone know what could be causing this problem and how it can be fixed? The amount of water in the bowl looks like the amount in any regular toilet--it's not extremely low, as in those special toilets that are meant to use less water.

Another problem is the drain on the jacuzzi tub-- it does not completely seal so water slowly drains out. Is this fixable? (I know, I know, I am worried about wasting water by flushing the toilet twice but I'm not worried about wasting water filling up a big tub. It doesn't make sense to me either...) Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!



April 10, 20050 found this helpful

Many if not most areas of the country have laws now making low flow toilets mandatory. Since your house was built in 1990, you most likely have one even though it doesn't look like one. I know people in northern states who go into Canada just to buy regular toilets because they are illegal to sell where they are. By the way "King of the Hill" had a very funny episode about this very subject. Low flows were made mandatory but had to be flushed several times - thus using more water, not less, than a regular one.


Another example of something that sounds like a good idea on paper but turns out to be impractical in real life.

By the way, I have read the low flows are getting better. You may want to try one of the newer ones. I have read there is a wide variation between the different brands so I would do my homework first.


By Verue (Guest Post)
April 11, 20050 found this helpful

We bought an American Standard that they claim flushes 24 ? golf balls at once. I now want to change out our other toilet for one like this. They really do work and use less water. They sure sold me.

By Joyce (Guest Post)
April 11, 20050 found this helpful

We have a low flow toilet and we have found if you will hold the flush handle down longer you will get more water and it will flush out the first time. Hope this helps you.""

By Rose Mary B (Guest Post)
April 12, 20050 found this helpful

I agree you probably have one of the low flush toliets, we purchased one a few years ago and was told that is all that is sold now. I noticed the one we got (after we installed it) has a smaller hole at the bottom than some of the other toliets. Since it was the cheaper one that was for sale I assume that is why. We always hold down the handle longer and sometimes this works, sometime we just have to flush twice and sometimes three times or even plunge.


I do not like this toliet! Anyway we usually use our other bathroom. I'm not sure if there is really anything that can be done short of getting a new toliet that has a bigger hole at the bottom. Sorry.

By P. (Guest Post)
April 12, 20050 found this helpful

We were having problems flushing at our house because the former occupants of the house had not installed the toilet correctly, by putting a vent in the pipe that goes to the outside air. When we remodeled the bathroom and corrected the vent problem, we also replaced the toilet with a high pressure flush toilet. We found it at a building supply salvage store for only $75. The toilet is still a "low flow" model, but it has a pressure tank inside the water reservior tank of the toilet. Once the pressure tank was primed, it would always work on just one flush, and the suction that the flush created would make visitors who used our 'loo' jump in suprise. So if you are up to installing a new one, you might want to be on the lookout for one of the high pressure varieties.

April 12, 20050 found this helpful

The low flow toilets usually work with one flush for urine for which it is mostly used. But needs two or three flushes for bm's which happen not as often.


Even at that they are still water savers

By jerry#1 (Guest Post)
June 6, 20050 found this helpful

If you hv older,(not low flow type)type: Take top off of the tank and fush.Then observe ,as the tank refills;
There are TWO water intake pipes, one at bottom of tank one at the top. The small one at top should be directing replacement water into a larger pipe just below.The said small pipe you should be able to move by hand. Solved the problem for me.....


By tony bavone (Guest Post)
October 10, 20070 found this helpful

In your toilet u will find a float its white pull the float up now u will see a guide up and down. Adjust the guide so when u flush the toilet it goes into a slot that will hold the float open long enough to flush the toilet. Have a nice one. Tony

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

February 16, 2009

My toilet is bubbling and doesn't flush real well. Can someone tell me what might be wrong?

Nancy from North Vernon, IN


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 180 Feedbacks
February 16, 20090 found this helpful

I only know mine, but I think that the ball that closes the bottom so the water can fill up the tank isn't doing its job. I have to open the tank and push down the wire on top of the ball in order to get the toilet to fill maybe one of three times. I am sorry to say that I know very well the slight change in sound between the toilet filling and the toilet not filling.


Good luck. I hope a plumber will tell both of us how to cure this inexpensively...I just don't want to pay the plumber's bill and so put up with the inconvenience.

February 17, 20090 found this helpful

If the water in the bowl is the problem, try pouring a bottle of bleach in and let it set for a while and flush. If there is is some soft object partially plugging it this always works for me.

By travis in ohio. (Guest Post)
February 17, 20090 found this helpful

Before you replace the the works in you tank, check to see if there is a blockage in the toilet. Start with a plunger then try a plumbers helper. This is a small plastic device that forces air down the toilet. They are easy to use and not to expensive.


When a tank doesn't flush well it is usually a blockage. You can take the top off to see if the works in the tank are working right, but try to clear the toilet drain first. Good luck.

By Nancy (Guest Post)
February 22, 20090 found this helpful

Thank you all for the ideas. The problem fixed itself some how. Thanks again.

February 22, 20090 found this helpful

When ours bubbles, it means it's time for the plumber to come and "roto rooter" the sewer line. There's a blockage in there. Hopefully this helps. Misty

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April 6, 2013

My downstairs toilet has been giving me a problem for about a month now. I always have to flush twice to get rid of the urine color. The 1st flush, the water swirls, but goes down slowly like the toilet is clogged. The 2nd time the water goes down nicely. It is like this every time. What is wrong with it?

By Andrew S


April 8, 20130 found this helpful

Your drain pipe under the house is either clogged up or it not high enough to drain all the water down. I had this problem and the contractor had to jack up the pipe the make it drain all the way to the street. Get it checked from a plumber or contractor.

April 8, 20130 found this helpful

My husband is a plumber, so I will tell you what I know. If it bubbles or burps a big bubble, then you probably have a clog. Is it backing up when you flush and does the water go out slowly? If not then you might need to change the flapper inside of the toilet tank. You also might need to adjust the chain on the flapper that covers the hole where the water leaves the tank. It could be keeping it from working properly.

Try this: do not flush toilet paper down the toilet for a few days and see if there is any change. Some toilet paper does not designate as quickly as others and will clog faster than others. Also if it is a low flow tank, that is sometimes a culprit. You didn't say if you were on city or county sewer line or have a septic tank, these all factor in.

April 10, 20130 found this helpful

Whenever our toilet acts like it's clogged, I squirt some dishwashing detergent into it, wait at least 15 minutes, and then flush. It clears it every time. Good luck!

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February 17, 2011

My toilet does not fill back with water when I hold down the lever for a few seconds, but it flushes fine when I do a quick flush. What can cause that? I also hear a thump in the wall when I flush sometimes.

By 1 MC3 from Richmond, VA


February 17, 20110 found this helpful

The thump you are hearing in the wall is called water hammer. This article might help you out.

And this might help with the toilet flushing thing.

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