I have some tomato plants on my deck in containers. I had a beautiful yellow tomato plant, on a tomato that looked ready to be picked there was a large brown spot on the bottom that looked like the tomato had been burned, it was also a deep spot. I cut the tomato to see if there were any bugs inside and there was none, what is causing this?
Kelly Schultz
I am not sure what the problem is. Is it possible that you have over watered them? Look and see whether you have any sort of spotting on the leaves. It might appear on the under side of the leaves. That would indicate some sort of pest. Another possibility is that (and this would probably only be the case if your plants aren't properly staked) that the fruit was laying on or close to the ground (and this frequently happened to me when I planted plants in the ground), and that the area that was laying close to or on the ground rotted from the moisture.
I would keep an eye on the plants for a while, and see if any of the other fruits are suffering from this. I try not to water my plants too frequently, but then again, when you are growing them in containers, the containers tend not to hold the moisture as well as the ground. You might try some slow acting plant food that's specifically aimed at tomatoes, preferably something organic.
Make sure that they are getting plenty of sun, and are getting enough, but not too much water, and look for anything that looks suspicious on the undersides of the leaves. If you see something and are unsure about what kind of pest or insect you are dealing with, take one of the leaves off, and take it to a garden center with you, so that you can show someone there what you have. They ought to know what to recommend. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. (06/24/2005)
It sounds like you have what is called blossom end rot. Usually caused by not watering consistently. It looks bad but you can cut that part off and the rest is fine to eat. (06/25/2005)
Hi. Years ago, when I first started container gardening, I had the same problem with my tomato plants. Looked it up in a book I had and it was called blossom end rot. It usually happens just in container pots. It is simple to fix, just take lime, you can get it at any nursery or home store in the garden department and sprinkle it over the dirt and then water so that it soaks in. It will stop the spots on new tomatoes coming in. Hope this helps. (06/26/2005)
By Roseanna
It is Blossom End Rot. Your soil is deficient in calcium/lime. You can add lime to your soil or try soaking egg shells in water and using this water for your tomato plants. This happens in gardens as well. Make sure you have a regular watering schedule so your plants aren't too wet or dry. As for a tomato with lots of blossoms and few tomatoes, try using a product called Blossom Set.
And don't mess with tomatoes if you smoke because there is a disease that can be transmitted to tomatoes from the tobacco. Also, don't mess with wet plants. This too will spread mold, fungus and bacteria spores which cause spots on the leaves and fruit. Check out www.gardensalive.com for safe products to help with tomato problems. (10/22/2007)
By Viki
(Posted via email)
I grew a tomato plant on my balcony and have kept it alive all winter inside, in hopes of keeping it growing next year. A friend said it won't produce next season. Am I wasting my time?
Lisa (01/22/2009)
By Sally
For Lisa,
The plants will produce again! I have kept some plants alive for 3 or 4 years and get fruit every year from them. If it is a plant that is really a great producer, you can also let the suckers grow and just before the end of the season clip the suckers and root them in some water then transplant to dirt for the coming season.
Use a tea made of chamomile soaked in some boiling water to water the dirt, to help prevent dampening off while waiting to plant them outside. (08/26/2009)
By Virginia
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