I purchased a Roma tomato plant that is about 12 inches high. It had thick, green foliage Memorial Day weekend. It is on my deck and now some of the leaves are turning yellow and brown and curling, mostly on the bottom. It looks like they are dying in places.
My daughter and neighbor said it is getting too much water. We have had quite a rainy season, but I am wondering if it is something else. I moved it to my front porch and it was even worse. I watered it and it looks better. It perked it up, but do I break off stems or leaves? It has been really hot also. It does have blossoms and the tomatoes are also coming on. Any suggestions?
Hardiness Zone: 5a
By Beverly from Kewanee, IL
Maybe it's root bound and needs a bigger pot. (06/29/2010)
By judy oliver
Are you feeding it? Tomato plants need feeding once a week when the flowers appear and need to be well watered. Take off any side shoots that don't have flowers on them as these take all the goodness from the flower shoots. They also need sun to ripen them. (06/30/2010)
By jan nash
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