Has anyone had any problems with tomato leaves turning yellowish-brown and dying? Its growth seems to be stunted too. Thanks for any help.
Hardiness Zone: 8a
By d from TX
You planted a variety that wasn't disease resistant and it has become a common occurrence in tomatoes and this problem doesn't seem to have an answer except make sure that after the name of the tomato you see 4 or 5 letters representing the different strains of virus it is protected against. Parks seed has one that has 5 in southern GA I get that and then no promises. Last year we had 45 plants full grown and full of tomatoes and one day they are fine and the next day dead. (04/10/2009)
By gbk
If these are container tomato plants, you might be washing the iron and other mineral contents out of the soil. There are many products you can get at the garden center. Mine looks like liquid rust. Just checked today to see if I have for the summer. Once I quite container planting the tomatoes, the problem stopped. Do you give your tomatoes Epsom salts? Get a package on the instructions are on it. Magnesium sulfate is very important for the tomato at time of blossoming. And other plants with blossoms too. (04/13/2009)
By Grandma J
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