Why do my tomato plants leaves turn yellow?
Hardiness Zone: 10a
By weston kittinger from Palmdale, CA
You should try crushed egg shells around the plant! The calcium soaks in and helps the tomato plant. (06/16/2009)
By kayla
I've read that the reason they turn yellow is because the soil doesn't have enough nitrogen which is what makes the plant green.
If you use some good fertilizer on it like Miracle Gro that should fix it. Hope this helps. (06/17/2009)
By jessica
Get Epsom salts, I read that it is a magnesium deficiency. I followed the directions on the back of the bag and the leaves have quit turning yellow. (06/17/2009)
It depends upon how they are turning yellow. See this page for excellent information on common problems and their solutions:
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