I have trouble every year with the leaves turning yellow on my plants. This is even before the tomatoes grow or turn red. What causes this and how do I get ready for next year to stop this.
I would almost bet money that you are a smoker or whoever plants or takes care of the tomatoes is a smoker! Right? When I quit smoking, one of the many pluses was that the tomato plants were much healthier. The nicotine is killing them. (06/28/2005)
By Margie Minard
Try cutting back on the amount of water you are putting on your plants.
By irene
Have you had your soil tested? Sounds like your soil might be to acid and needs a little lime. Spread lime around, not on plant and gently work into the soil and water lightly. (06/29/2005)
Well now you loose that bet. I am not a smoker but I do get tired of everything being blamed on smoking. If that is the case then our tomatoes are in grave danger. Thanks for the tip about the acid. I will get the soil tested to make sure to see if we need to add something. This is top soil and we do not water as we have enough rain to take care of that. Thanks. (06/29/2005)
By Bella
You might want to do a search on Tobacco Mosaic Virus before dismissing the information offered. Since you're not a smoker, it would be worth it to do a soil analysis checking for high acidity and magnesium deficiency. (07/10/2005)
By Kim
Try mixing some epsom salts with water and apply to soil. Your soil probably lacks magnesium. (07/25/2005)
Link to site of origin is at end of excerpt:
Q. I planted the tomato varieties which you recommended and they are loaded with tomatoes. Now the leaves are beginning to turn yellow, then brown, then die from the bottom of the plant. What should I do; will this kill my plants?
A. You and everybody growing tomatoes are having the same problem. Tomato plants are developing brown spots on the lower foliage. This is the result of a fungus infecting the foliage causing a disease known as early blight. Early blight is an annual problem for most gardeners. It normally develops into a problem when plants have a heavy fruit set and the area has received rainfall. Spores from the fungus are spread to the lower foliage by wind and splashing rain. Leaves must be wet for infection to occur. At 50 degrees F. the leaves must be wet for 12 hours for infection, but at temperatures above 59 degrees F, the length of time for infection is only 3 hours. Leaf spot development is most severe during periods of cloudy days and high humidity. To control the fungus, foliage applications of a fungicide must be made every 7 days until moist conditions (dew included!) no longer exist.
http://plantanswers.tamu.edu/vegetables/tomat2.html (06/08/2006)
By Bill
I've read everyone's complaints about the leaves on their tomatoe plants turning yellow and then brown and falling off. It has nothing to do with smoking, it is a disease of the plant called blight. You can prevent by spraying certain chemicals on your plants and I was also told at a nursery that you can use Dawn dishwashing liquid diluted in water also to spray onto your plants.
By Mary
Every year is the same problem you just deal with it. I pinch off the yellowed leaves and usually have no problems after that. My fruit is growing healthy and I will be very excited for a fresh crop. WARNING: do not use the same soil for tomatoes back to back. You need to give it a year break or disease can infest your plants same goes with potatoes. (07/04/2007)
By Jessie
I think it is funny that smoking is blamed for yellow leaves. Are you all aware that tomatoes have nicotine in them naturally? (07/04/2007)
By Angela
Stick a rusty nail a half an inch away from the stem in the soil. Water as you usually would. It works. Strange but true. My uncle heard this from some book on organic gardening. It worked on his plants, try it let us know if it works for you too. (07/06/2007)
By mark mathias
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