The 1 yr. old abused dog we adopted thinks he can sit on the living room sofas. I chased him off one sofa, so he went to the other sofa. I scolded him, so he went back to the first sofa. You get the idea. I even brought out to the living room his comfy stuffed cushion that lined the crate. He walked up to it and looked at it.
Holly from Richardson, TX
Try to use cloths hangers, while you are away (if he is out) he has total control. Try putting something on there that is uncomfortable. My grandmother used cloths hangers, but I have seen people put stools on their furniture so the animals stayed down. (11/14/2007)
By Nicole
Check your local pet store. I'm not sure of the name, but there's a spray you can use to items to keep pets off. it doesn't harm the fabric. Good luck. (11/14/2007)
By nelda walsh
I use flattened beer boxes. All I have to do when he's in my presence is say no. But when were not around, he won't sleep on a flattened cardboard box. If he was to go from couch to loveseat and back in my presence, I'd probably get a spray bottle with water and squirt it as I said "no". (11/15/2007)
By Lily
I've heard of people putting aluminum foil or newspaper on sofa's or chairs that you don't want animals on. Maybe that would work. (11/15/2007)
By Connie from Canada
2 key words - love and patience. I take in a lot of stray dogs and find homes for them. The ones that are abused take a lot of time and patience. One dog took 5 years before any man could get near him. They don't forget. Praise him when he minds you and gets off the sofa. Reward him with a treat. Be firm but loving.
By Lisa
I agree with Lisa, lots of love and patience. One other suggestion I would make would be to find a place that you want your dog to sit instead of the couch and reward him for sitting there. I mean, just celebrate the fact that the dog sat there. At first, he will think you are crazy, but he will want to know what made his person so happy. When he figures out that whenever he sits there he gets a treat, you will find him sitting there all the time.
When he sits on the couch I would calmly tell him to get down, and show him down with a finger pointing down to the floor. If he is reluctant to go to the place that you have designated for him to sit, then start it off close to the couch. As he gets used to it (and that may take some time, so be patient) you can move it away from the couch by a little bit. Soon you can move it more and more you get the picture. He has been shown that he will be okay without your couch and without being on top of the people. (11/15/2007)
He is a pretty dog and I'm sorry he was abused. I'm so glad you took him in. I think you are going to have to have a lot of love and patience with him because of the abuse. The sofa seems to be his comfort zone. Have you thought about buying a small used loveseat that you can show him is just his and his place to sit? My Mom did that with her dog and it worked well. It's worth a try. (11/15/2007)
By Mythi
Your dog needs positive reinforcement. this means no scolding and chasing. Instead not saying a word about the bad behavior and just praising for the good. So with the sofa, he goes on you remove him/her to the dog sofa and then give lots of praise, your dog will crave the positive attention and always aim to please when they figure it out. (11/19/2007)
By Mrs. P
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