
Transplanting a Butterfly Bush

September 6, 2007

Transplanting a Butterfly BushCan a butterfly bush be transplanted after it has been planted in the ground for 13 months? It was given in memory of my 20 year old son's murder in 7/06. My sister says it will die and I should buy another one, but it was given by my brother and I want THAT BUSH because it was bought for a special purpose! Please tell me it will be safe to move it to my new home.


Hardiness Zone: 7a

Robin from Hanover, PA


By Elaine (Guest Post)
November 15, 20071 found this helpful

Yes, you can transplant a butterfly bush. I see that you are from Pennsylvania and I think that is gardening zone 5 so it would be better if you waited till spring to do it. I would cut it back some then and then transplant. It should be fine. They are very resilient.

November 15, 20071 found this helpful

If you would like more info has a gardening link. In it you will find in the left hand column an "Ask the Experts". Click into it and join. It allows you to ask any gardening questions and a panel of experts will answer you within about one to two days. It is wonderful and has solved a great deal of my problems!


I love it. Don't forget to include where you live, [town and state] and the location information. [where you want to plant it.] I like to tell them everything, like if it is a shady or sunny location, what the soil is like etc.. It gives them a lot more ability to give advice. Good luck!

By KIm Robinson (Guest Post)
June 28, 20081 found this helpful

I live in south eastern ct. and I planted a butterfly bush 3 years ago. It is taking over that part of my garden. Can I transplant a portion of it or do I have to transplant the whole thing? mskimberlyr AT

June 11, 20121 found this helpful

I moved one and it died shortly after. I would take some cuttings to root just in case something happens to the original bush. The cuttings root and grow quite easily.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

August 10, 2013

If I plan to transplant my butterfly bush in the spring, should I prune before I transplant or transplant and then prune?

By Sally


August 16, 20131 found this helpful

Butterfly bushes do best when pruned before transplanting. You want to chop it back as much as possible, dig up as much of the root ball as possible, and replant very soon. It may take a year or so to grow back to full size, but that isn't usually a problem.


You can cut them back whenever you need to, but definitely every fall/early winter so they don't get storm damaged. If you don't prune them, they get way too big for the space!

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September 15, 2011

I transplanted a 6 foot, 2yr old butterfly bush today. Now I am wondering if I should have waited until spring. It was over-crowding everything in my garden. I feel that I got a substantial root-ball and I will mulch it very well. I do not intend to cut it back before spring. Any suggestions or re-assurance would be very welcome.

By Mrs. T


September 30, 20111 found this helpful

Most important is keeping it watered and letting the root system get going again. If you normally cut it back before spring you can still do so. As a matter a fact it may help the plant get established to cut it back.


Buy trimming the branches up top you will generate growth in the root system.

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October 27, 2014

I just transplanted a butterfly bush that was about 2 years old. I didn't read until today that I should have pruned it back before I transplanted it. Is is too late for me to do it now? It's about 6 feet tall and now I'm worried about the possibility of damage over the winter.

By Betsy T.

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