Notify your bank when you will be traveling (where and dates) if you intend to use a credit card to avoid a fraud alert being placed on your card and having your legitimate charges denied. Large purchases in exotic locales signal your bank that your card may be being used for fraudulent purposes. This is for your protection, but can be a hassle so notify your bank prior to traveling.
Stop mail and paper delivery prior to your departure.
Obtain travelers checks from your local bank or Credit Union (usually at no charge). Dual signature checks that can be used for both you and your spouse are available. Keep the receipts in an alternate location in the event of theft.
Lock up valuables in the hotel room safe or the safe at the front desk.
Wear a passport holder around your neck to store valuables like cash and your passport or tickets.
Keep alert; recognize that pickpockets may create a diversion (bumping in to you for example) as a way to have their partner lift your billfold. Be aware of your surroundings. Don't take large amounts of cash into a crowd.
Keep your pants pocket (which houses your billfold) buttoned.
Keep your purse secured by zipping or latching the top closure. Keep your purse held closely to your body and the latch facing inward.
Be smart; never leave bags unattended or ask a stranger to hold your expensive camera case while you fish out a tip for the taxi driver.
Leave extra credit cards at home to avoid a hassle in the event of the loss of your billfold or a theft. Keep a record of all your cards (photocopy front and back) so you can report a loss as soon as you become aware of it. Keep this record in the save of in a secure place to avoid a security breach.
If you are traveling this summer you might need to use an ATM that you are not accustomed to using. Here are a few tips to protect you against fraud:
By Diana from Prospect, KY
This page contains the following solutions.
Hard plastic soap cases make great camera cases when traveling.
I have two preschool daughters. When we travel, I pack outfits in gallon sized Ziploc bags. I include top, shorts, underwear, and socks.
After I go someplace I have Mapquested, I file the printout in a special file in the glove compartment (or trunk) of my car. Then next time I need to go, or need the mailing address, its handy. I also always write the phone number right onto the Mapquest pages.
I often house sit. When it's at certain homes, I don't get to share their "girly" hair care items. Often too, I find myself without medicine bottles to take small amounts with me.
When I travel, I like to take small containers of toiletries but these small items can be costly at the drug store. I have saved up little resealable containers that I have come across over the years.
Shampoo and lotion bottles are examples of the kinds of products that can leak and make a mess in your luggage or damage clothing. Try some of the tips on this page to stop this from happening. This is a page about how to avoid leaking containers in luggage.
This is a page about keeping valuables safe when traveling. It is important to keep your important and treasured items as close as possible when you are on vacation.
This is a page about identifying luggage. Watching the similar suitcases roll by at baggage pickup can be frustrating.