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For those of you looking for help with your dog's ear infections, it's probably yeast. It could be bacterial, but I'd treat for yeast first if dollars are short, and they always are at my house.
I tried the vinegar route, but it didn't help. I can't promise this will help your dog, but Zymox Otic helped mine big time, and it's readily available on the Internet. I see someone has already recommended it and I second that. Check several pet supply outlets online for the lowest prices and best shipping costs.
I keep Zymox Otic on hand all the time now. Molly got relief the first time I used it on her and that was a blessing for both of us. When my dog shakes her head and the oil comes out, I don't clean it off. I rub it into her ears on the inside of the flap, in the grooves, and on the the opening of the ear near the head. Sometimes the yeast will spill over and run out the bottom of the ear and create a dark gritty area on the skin. If you find that, soak it daily until it goes away.
My Molly's a floppy eared dog and that makes it worse for her. Air and sunlight doesn't get in there and it's a breeding ground for yeast. But it can be controlled (and maybe cured) and your dog can have relief and a happy life. Good luck!
Source: Somebody mentioned this on Earthclinic months ago. I tried it and it worked.
By Lee from Tuscaloosa, AL
I am usually one that's all for home remedies for many things. However there are some things that require a trip to the doctor/vet. And ear infections are one of them! The only way to treat them and keep them from coming back is to get some antibiotics from the vet and follow his instructions. Home remedies only treat the symptoms, not the cause. Would you let your child suffer with ear infections coming back all the time? I think not. Don't do this to your poor dog either! Get him to the vet and get it treated and over with once and for all! (03/24/2010)
By Cricket
Milk and olive oil treatment. Somewhere in this conversation someone suggested 4tbsp olive oil and 4tbsp milk slightly warmed and used as drops every hour for the first day.
I gotta tell ya, I've never seen anything work this well! My dog's ear was red and swollen shut just a couple days ago, I used this remedy the first day and watched as the day progressed how his ear was healing, by night time the redness had eased up, and it was no longer swollen shut allowing me to clean it better and get the drops in better. I've been using it for 3 days and his ear is in great shape, no more infection, no more smell, just a little brown residual mess to clean up, very little. No more irritation, itching, or pain for the dog. This was truly amazing. No need for antibiotics! I truly recommend this first, if it doesn't work for you, then decide to go to the vet for antibiotics if need be. (02/03/2011)
By Terri
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