My kittens seem to have colds. Is there anything I can do from home, or is it best to find vet?
Make sure it stays warm, is eating and drinking enough. You want to make sure it can be kept groom so use a warm washcloth to clean its nasal passages and eyes.
Since your cat is so young, depending on how bad it is, you would want to just take it in. The vet will probably give you antibiotics for it, that will get rid of the cold . Hope it feels better!
I say assotta is right but if they don't drink enough u might have to hand feed the kitten. Dont force them. Id also say wash and boil there food n water bowls to kill any bacteria n wash n clean litter box n scoop then fill with clean litter id do this everyday for bout a week n if they are not better go to vet.
Kittens can get serious viruses and bacterial infections. Not treating these infections can involve the eyes and result in blindness. You need to see a Vet right away. Treatment is easy and not expensive.