Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts September 19, 20170 found this helpful
Make sure that your bird has access to a birdbath, and try lightly misting its feathers with water once a day. If it consists, I'd go back to the vet, especially because what they gave did not work.

Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts September 19, 20170 found this helpful
Supplementation of animal protein and vitamins in the diet of breeders.
Pulling abnormal and loose feathers to stimulate replacement.
Limit breeding to two clutches per breeding pair per year.
Selection against French molt in the breeding program.
Affected birds sometimes recover spontaneously at the first molt within 6 to 8 months of age; however, severely affected birds may never develop normal plumage.
Source: edis.ifas.ufl.edu/vm043

September 20, 20170 found this helpful
Molting can be a normal happening but you must feel that your baby is beyond normal but what did the vet say?
- Did the vet say this was normal and would soon heal and go away (until next year)? Or did they say it was more than that? If they did not give you a clear picture of what is wrong and how long it should last then it is time to either see the vet again (free of charge) or at least make a phone call and get a better answer - after all, you paid for an answer.
- Parakeets go through molting seasons pretty much throughout their little lives. Molting is the normal process that eliminates old, worn out feathers to make way for new ones to grow in, kind of like shedding in dogs and cats. Parakeets start molting when they're approximately 12 weeks old and will molt yearly after that.
- Your parakeet should molt evenly, losing about the same amount of feathers on each side and shouldn't have any bald spots. It is normal for him to act a little crabby or sick during molting because it takes so much energy, but he should continue to eat, drink and preen himself.
- Some things that might help: Keep him warm. Eliminate drafts and don't let the temperature in his room drop below 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Feed him a high-quality diet even when he's not molting. Good nutrition -- quality parakeet food along with fresh fruits and vegetables -- during a molt is crucial.
- Talk to your vet about a vitamin supplement to give him during molting season. If you don't typically provide your little one with a cuttlebone be sure to give him one when he's molting for extra calcium.
- Spritzing your parakeet with warm water during molting season will help keep him comfortable as the shower will soothe his itchy skin.
- Be sure he has a clean bath area available at all times. If he is not taking baths then try to change his bath area.
Bald patches are not part of molting. A bird who is losing a lot of feathers, leaving behind bald spots needs to be checked for the cause. Illness, parasites, boredom, malnutrition and dry conditions can all lead to bald spots. He is probably pulling out his own feathers. He may just need more exercise, better food or more water for baths, but he could also be ill.