
Trouble With Denture?

I had all my teeth pulled except for two on the bottom, and had dentures put in immediately. I received no stitches, bled like crazy, and was sent on my way. I returned to the dentist three days later and I couldn't get my denture bottom back in. My gums are cut up, swollen, and hurt badly. It has been a week now, and still can't get it in. What should I do?



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September 17, 20180 found this helpful

Oral hygiene can be maintained and still, problems related to gums or teeth can haunt you. Then it's probably the food you are having. Too much acidic and too much sweet can damage your tooth in no time.
Last month I took my friend for a dental implant surgery in Brampton. I saw an article by the dentist about the dental problems besides proper dental hygiene. I had clarified with the doc about it.
1. Having milk and cheese helps to prevent cavity by neutralizing the acidic formation that is caused by other foods.
2. Although apples contain sugars, the anti-cavity property of the fruit outweighs it.


3. Benefits of water go without saying. 99% of the saliva is water but carbonated water and juices don't give the benefit.
4. Leafy veggies are for the overall health and nutrients in them can prevent gum diseases.

I read this in an article:


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