I have had this old box for a while. Keeping my beads in it was good for a while but then I decided to put them in little zipper bags so they are easier to get out. You know someone needs to invent a scoop that has a 90 degree angle. But until someone does, scooping beads out of a square container is hard.
I needed a sewing case and this seems like a good "renewed life" for this trusty old box.
I soaked it in the tub and let it air dry. I then determined my large spools wouldn't fit in the top, so I put them in the bottom with scissors, etc.I then closed the big lid and filled the top one. It has stitch witchery, pins, needles, snaps, elastic, bobbins and more.
I seem to be getting very lucky at finding and fitting things right where I want them. And this was no exception. It slides perfectly on a shelf in my "croffice"! You can do this with an old tackle box, parts box, or any box that has compartments and a really good "closure" system.
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I don't know what happened to the other photos. But here are three new ones.
Sorry this one got damaged.
They should show now. I had them marked wrong.
Sandi, look to the right of your photo and you will see a black arrow. Click on the arrow to go to the next picture. This is a new feature on Thriftyfun that people have not gotten used to and need to look for when viewing a post. It takes up less space on the posting, especially when there are a lot of pictures.
Love your sewing box. Great idea.
They were actually missing. I had them set to the wrong place. It's fixed now, I hope.
It sure is. Thanks Jess!!!!!
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