I had a large plastic container (from a plant) that was good size, but not tall enough to store items with long handles. To keep them upright and neat (and to help keep them from falling over) I had the idea to use tomato cages that I had lying around. I used two together for strength, stuck them down in the pot, and began to load all the long handled items. The rings of the tomato cage keeps them together and upright. Works very well and an inexpensive DIY to keep your garage, shed, or craft shop organized. You could remove the long "stems" of the cages, but I left them attached.
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Great idea
You're welcome. LOL, I thought the same thing!
This seems like a very good solution as long handled work tools are always falling unless you have space for one of those wall units with clamps.
I think you were smart to leave the 'stems'. Your cage makes an ideal long handled tool corral.
Thanks, tank!
You're welcome. Sometimes the easiest solutions are just a thought away.
Thank you. I figured it would be smart to leave the stems, that way they can always be used as tomato cages!
Smart! I'm going to do this!
Great idea!! I also used a tomato cage upside down, strung solar rope lights on it, and secured one side of them with zip ties. Instant outdoor holiday tree, and no extension cords.
What size was the pot you used?
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