Nylon scarves are great for hot weather as they don't crush, but they do snag. So when I got a tear in one of my favorite scarves, I wondered how to mend it, and make sure it wouldn't continue to run. Then I thought, "nylon stockings - nail polish!" So I used clear nail polish to mend the scarf the way one does with stockings, and voila! A nice almost invisible mend.
By pam munro from LA, CA
I think this is a brilliant idea/solution. Do you have any suggestions for how I might mend or creatively patch up a very beautiful wool challis scarf? This wool challis scarf was given to me by a now deceased friend, and I'd like to repair it and resume wearing it, in memory of her. It's black and floral, like so many wool challis scarves. Thanks! Will send digial photo of scarf, if you like.