
Use Coffee Filters as Pet Dish Liners

Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
October 21, 2015

Coffee filter lining a pet dishI just got my cat, Cornelius back from a three month stay with a friend. She took such good care of him that he is half the cat I knew! He was 25 pounds so now he is 12!


I got a cheap cat food dish and a place mat and she used them for water and treats, but a bowl for food. I found that putting a smaller Corel bowl in one side required it to be washed each day.

So, I went to the dollar store and got 100 coffee filters which can be tossed when he's due for a refill the next morning. For just 1 penny a day, I save water, electricity, soap and energy; namely mine.

I hope this helps!


October 30, 20151 found this helpful

Excellent, thank u very much! This is going to help me so much! I go crazy trying to keep up with their dishes! I have quite a crew!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
October 31, 20151 found this helpful

Wow, what a crash diet!! I guess a 25 pound cat is pretty hefty, but to lose half your body weight in three months, even if you are a cat, seems a bit excessive. Are you sure he is alright? My cat lost a lot of weight when he developed anorexia after a course of antibiotics, and we had quite a time getting him to eat again.


When he did return to a healthy weight, he was very sprightly and jumping on everything; he was a pretty old cat at the time as well; thirteen, if I remember correctly.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
November 1, 20152 found this helpful

Yes, he is just fine. She used the extra bowl so she could heat for 20 seconds just a little dribble of wet food. I am on a limited budget, so getting the good food he doesn't need much of was not possible for me. We did some research and the foods that have the higher protein and less sugar/fat was not much more. He also had access to going outside a lot more so that helps.
He is back with me and eats well. I just learned that the "full bowl" way was not working. He gets 1/4 cup morning and night, and some soft food in between. He's my angel so I am pretty protective of him. Here he is!!

October 29, 20171 found this helpful

It's very sad that not one person mentioned that those filters, that save you 3 minutes of work, end up in the landfill. I would take that money and give it to an animal shelter.

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