For the past few weeks I've been writing down ideas to share for reusing dental floss instead of simply throwing it away after using. Here is what I've come up with which also gave me more ideas for uses beyond reusing after flossing. LOL!
After making the list, I decided to look online to see if I could find some other clever uses and the first one I am listing here is actually something I never would have thought of, but is important to keep in mind and the second one listed here that I found online made me giggle really hard. ;-)
Please share any other ideas you might have for reuse or use of dental floss.
In emergencies, dental floss has been used to tie off severed arteries as a result of a freak accident or tie off the umbilical cord in an emergency delivery.
There have been cases where prisoners escaped by using dental floss to cut through steel and in a separate case a prisoner climbed down the prison wall using dental floss woven into long rope. I can't help but wonder if prisoners are allowed to have dental floss any longer.
Think about how you use floss for your teeth. What crevices around your house could use good floss cleaning, such as stoves tightly built-in between counter tops or other tight places where you might normally use a q-tip to clean?
Use the mint flavored floss for supporting plants or for Christmas decorations, including stringing popcorn, because of its green color.
Use it instead of wire or string to hang picture frames, repair or make wind chimes, and repair or make beaded necklaces and bracelets.
Use dental floss to quickly and easily cut food such as eggs, cakes, soft cheese, bread, canned cranberry jelly, etc.
Use it to tie up rolled meats and poultry for baking - I would recommend not using waxed floss for this.
Dental floss is strong, so use it as thread to sew buttons or hooks and repair backpacks or other heavy material.
Use instead of strings to tie up small packages.
Broke a shoelace? Use floss until you can replace the lace.
No rubber hair band? No problem, just tie your ponytail with the floss. You can do the same to use as an emergency cloth headband.
Going fishing and have a hole or tear in your net? Repair it with floss. Come to think of it, floss would be excellent to repair any kind of netting.
And now for my favorite! I've grown catnip in the past and tied sprigs of the catnip to one end of a long string to use as an interactive toy. I think I'll use dental floss in a pinch if I need to when I grow it again for Rachel.
If, when gathering fabric or other material, your thread always breaks right at the most crucial time, I have found that using plain dental floss is wonderful. I use a zigzag stitch on my sewing machine.
Dental floss is cheap and much stronger than any thread. It works extremely well for sewing on buttons, tool holsters on jeans or anything, that you have fixed once before.
marie cecchini Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 204 Posts
August 24, 2007
Dental floss is perfect to repair tears in mesh items, such as playpens, beach and laundry bags, even mesh shoes. Simply use a small piece or two to tie the mesh back together. Floss is very sturdy!
Like an old-time sailor, I took needle and thread and mended a rip in the sail of our boat. The needle was a heavy-duty one from the drug store - and the THREAD was DENTAL FLOSS.
It fit through the needle and because it was WAXED, it slid easily through the sail cloth!
If you have trouble creating the perfect eyeliner look, try using an inexpensive guide to assist you. This is a page about using a dental floss pick as an eyeliner guide.