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Does anyone have ideas for using medicine bottles? I have a bucket full of clean, empty plastic pill bottles. Hate to just toss them. Any good ideas out there?
Rainbowgirl from Bogalusa, LA
Remove the labels. I give mine to our Vet, he uses to put pet medications in. Or use to put loose buttons, needles, or any other small item you don't ant loose in a drawer, etc.
By C. R.
You can make a mini first aid kit including bandaids, needle and thread, sandpaper (cut out a circle and place on lid), stick match, safety pin, etc.
By Footsilly
Drill a hole in bottom and run fishing line up the center with bottom side up. Use about 6 to 8 in different lengths of string and make really cute wind chime. You could even paint a picture on each like a daisy or lady bug. Use a lid from a jar for your top hanger for it.
By Julie
Some pill bottles are exactly the right size to carry quarters (US) for use in vending machines and coin laundries. You can also put a small amount of your favorite hand lotion to keep at work. Small craft items such as beads and sequins, mix white glue and water for small amounts of Mod Podge. My mantra is if it will fit in there it can be stored in there. I have tins, pill bottles, baskets, all sorts of things pressed into service to store my junk.
By Marty Dick
Store hair pins or bobby pins in them. If you collect seeds from your garden, or know anyone that does, they are great for that, too. My Grandpa used them to store small nails and screws in them in his workshop, too.
By Nikki
They are great for putting small board game pieces in. Like battleship pieces, for example.
By farmgirl
I snap them over the lures on my fishing rods. This way I don't need to remove a lure every time I put the rod away. It keeps hooks from grabbing everything in sight.
By bobc
You can also do a mini sewing kit. Put a couple of pre-threaded needles with black and white thread in a piece of paper or cardboard and wrap the thread around to keep neat. Put some buttons, safety pins and whatever else you might think would be handy.
When traveling I use them to put shampoo, hand cream, conditioner, and other such items in. This works out well seeing that I don't have to carry the full size bottles with me. I also use them to carry jewelry that I may wear when I get to my destination. They are great useful items.
By Louise
If there are any campers out there you can use them to store things to keep them dry or when you only need a smaller portion of something. If anyone is near Towanda, PA and would like some pill bottles I have a plastic grocery bag full to give away.
As one reader suggested, check with your vet or other vets. A lot of them will take empty prescription bottles. Saves them money from having to buy them. Also, I donate a lot of mine to the local animal shelter.
By Louise
Keep craft and scrap embellishments in them: paper clips, brads, office needs, safety pins, needles, and tacks. Those things in your "needed sometime drawer" can be seen, but not loose rolling around. Also use to carry small items in your purse or beach bag, from change to extra medications.
Use one to keep toothpicks in for the car.
By Beverly
I use them to store our daily medications in. Just label them with the days of the week. I have a set for AM and a set for PM, and I fill the each day's bottle for the entire week. Keep each set in a round container such as a Cool Whip container. Saves the time it takes to open each prescription bottle each day. I take 8 pills in the morning and 10 in the evening, so I save lots of time this way. I also have all the medications on an index card, one list for AM and one for PM, so I don't forget anything when I do the dailies.
By Harlean
We saved the empties and filled them with shampoo and lotion. Put them in the gift bags for the homeless at Christmas Time. Write on the bottle with permanent marker. They loved it. (06/12/2008)
By Jan
If you can't find a use for yourself, you could always donate them to your local school. My daughter's pre-school teacher had lots of uses for these little bottles. (06/12/2008)
By Tashia
Put Advil/Tylenol in it and carry it in your purse. It takes up a lot less room than a medicine bottle that they come in.
Editor's Note: Make sure all labels are removed before doing this and be sure to mark it with a label what is in the bottle. (06/13/2008)
By Crystal
You might create little pill bottle people, with a little paint an a lot of imagination. How about adult building blocks for coordination purpose? Perhaps a water container for one flower you might leave at the cemetery?
The med caps can be made into sliding pool balls. Number them with a marker and have yourself a game on a kitchen table, use a pencil for a cue. Last, considering the possible accidents that can happen when children get control of full pill bottles, you might want to instill in them with maybe a Mr, Yuck sticker, as well as tell them, never to eat or drink anything even from those empty bottles crafts you are creating.
I wish you happy crafting. Mr. Thrifty
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