Leg Warmers
Cut off the bottom part & use it as leg warmers or the men could wear it under their pants in the winter as an extra layer for warmth.
By Connie
Make Slippers
I recently read about using them as slippers by adding a sole-sized piece of sueded fabric to the bottoms. I am using a rubber cabinet liner for mine. May still have to mend the holes though.
By Lauren
Fingerless Gloves
You could cut them up and use them for stuffing for something, or cut off the feety bits and use the ankles for fingerless gloves.
By Beth McMillan
Coffee Warmer
You can use them as coffee cup warmers by cutting of the bottom part and then when in need of a mug warmer slip over the hot beverage cup to insulate it and keep it warmer for longer amounts of time.
A Sweater for Small Pets
If you have a small dog or kitten you could use it for a pet sweater by cutting holes for arms and legs.
A Beanie for Baby
If there big enough and you have a little one you can cut of the top part and use the bottom part as a beanie.
For Cleaning
I like using old socks for cleaning, saves on paper towels or when I have to clean somewhere where I really don't want to. You can also use socks to store small things in a closet. Just nail them on the wall.
By Gail
For Drafts

You could cut the bottoms out of 2 or 3 of them, sew them together to make a tube. Stuff and sew both ends closed and you have a draft dodger to keep your house warm. Add a string to reach the door knob to hang it when not in use or keep in place.
By April
Sock Puppets
Make a cute sock puppet by folding in the toe, stitch it in place, add some yarn hair where the heel is and some button eyes.
Susan from ThriftyFun

October 21, 20140 found this helpful
Top Comment
In making the warmers out of a sock, I have found using rice gives a better smell, and you can add cinnamon, cocoa or other dry scents. When heated, the pleasant aroma is enhanced. If you will need to clean your warmer, use 2 layers of socks (they don't need to match) and just remove the outer layer and launder it, when dry, then put it back on.
We've also decorated some with buttons and yarn to make animal and doll faces. The kids love them as bed time snuggle buddies.